Chapter 49

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Chapter 49

Niall's POV

"Laura?" I called as she clutched her head. Next thing I knew she collapsed, her body falling down the rest of the steps and slammed onto the ground below. Harry had faster reflexes than me, shooting off the bed the split second she started to fall. I however was still in shock, coming to my senses as she hit the ground in an unnatural position.

"Niall call an ambulance," Harry said in a strained tone as I reached him. I took out my cell phone dialing 999.

I told them what happened and where we are and after I got off the phone I turned back to Harry. "The ambulance is coming now. They said don't move her in case something's broken."

"Stay with her I need to call Liam." he stormed out of the room, cell phone in hand.

I couldn't stay still, pacing back and forth and never taking my eyes off her. She looked almost sleeping, her chest moving up and down rhythmically. I tried to convince myself that's what she was doing when Harry and paramedics burst back in. They put her carefully on the stretcher and ushered her out. We got into our car to follow them to the hospital and I watched Harry as he drove. His face was emotionless, staring blankly in front of him as he strained to keep up with the ambulance in front of him. The curiosity got the best of me though and after a few minutes of silence I had to ask. "What did Liam say?"

"He is coming now and will be meeting us at the hospital in two hours. Less if Paul lets him drive." he said emotionless, not even making eye contact with me.

"She's going to be okay Harry." I said more shyly this time.

He didn't reply, leaving what I said hanging in the air. Another minute past before we turned into the hospital parking lot. He parked horribly and we ran inside. A nurse started asking us questions and we gave her Laura's mothers contact for medical history. Afterwords she said the best thing we could do was wait. So we did.

Harry's POV

We waited, and waited, and waited until Liam ran in. I called to him and he came over to the chair I was sitting in. Niall went over to the vending machine to get some food so we were alone. "Sit," I offered him the place next to me and he hesitantly took it.

"How is she?" he asked immediately.

"Nobody will tell us anything." I sighed, running a hand through my curls.

He put his head in his hands and stayed silent until Niall returned, two twix bars in his hand. "Oh hey Liam." he said as he handed me one of the bars. He offered one to Liam too but he shook his head so Niall ate it himself. "Nothing yet?" he asked and we both nodded.

"Harry Styles?" a voice called and I looked up to see a man in scrubs holding a clipboard.

"Yes," I stood up and walked over to him.

"Dr. Armstrong, how are you?" he reached up and shook my head politely.

"How is she?" I cut to the chase, feeling Liam's presence next to me.

The doctor glanced up at him wearily and then back at me. "Laura is fine, she has a mild concussion, a little on the bad side but it could have been worse."

I nodded my head and Liam asked "What made her pass out?"

"Well she was suffering from severe dehydration which caused the black out and dizziness. We tested for any abnormalities in her system that would prevent her from retaining fluid for any reason but we found nothing wrong. We are giving her what she needs now." I could see Liam clenching his fists next to me. "We also noticed she had plummeting blood sugar and cholesterol levels as well as many other important nutrients her body needs. This is usually caused by lack of nutrition in her diet, or in her case no diet at all?"

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