Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

Victoria's POV

"YOU DID WHAT?" I screamed, when Laura told me about Natalie.

"Well Niall was like freaking out and it won't be that bad?" She held up her hands defensively.

"Yeah says you! You aren't even going to be home!" Debbie shot back.

"I think you guys need to get to know her. I mean just put in a movie and entertain her, it won't be that hard!" She was raising her voice too.

I sighed, "fine, but you owe us big time alright?" I ended the conversation, jumping on our old couch and turning on the TV.

"Oh, and you better like lock your room or something because we can't watch her 24/7 and who knows what she is going to get into." Debbie followed me over to the couch.

"Thanks guys!" Laura ran to her room, slamming the door behind her.

I turned on Texas Chainsaw Massacre, watching it in silence for a couple minutes. "I have an awesome idea." Debbie suddenly turned to face me with a devious smile. "Let's scare the living shit out of Natalie tonight."

"What movie should we watch?" I asked, scrolling through HBO and Starz.

"The Grudge, we have it on DVD and we can make those noises at night," she started laughing. "Natalie is going to freak."

"YES, she is going to hate us." I got excited. "But before that we have to talk to her, because I think she likes Liam."

"Aw poor Niall." She pouted. "I swear the bitch is going down if she hurts any of them."

"I know," I sighed, snuggling into the couch, concentrating on the movie.

Laura's POV

I was throwing stuff into my suitcase, pretty much all my warmer stuff since I was going to be in New York. I have had these plane tickets for weeks, my brother lives in a loft in the heart of the city and I haven't seen him in a year. We are really close and I thought it would be fun to make a double trip, see my brother and get to see my favorite band in concert, well my boyfriend's band now. I finished packing, changing into comfortable clothes, leggings, a sweatshirt and Toms. I headed to the kitchen, grabbing my purse and tickets. I walked over to say goodbye to my friends, both of them passed out on the couch. I decided to leave them a note. I wrote "Natalie is coming at 3, be back tomorrow around dinner! Love ya xx" and stuck it to Debbie's forehead. Next I wrote, "be nice." Really big and stuck it to Victoria's head. I walked out the door and headed for my car.

Zayn's POV

"Guys it is just one day," I groaned, packing my Louis Vuitton bag and throwing it over my shoulder.

"I know, I just feel bad dumping Natalie off there." Niall looked down.

"She will be fine, the girls get along great!" Louis tried to cheer him up, Harry snickering in the background.

"Shut up Harry." Liam scolded him lowly.

"Sorry," he muttered, walking to the door.

"Got everything lads?" I prompted, getting impatient because the car was already waiting outside.

"Yeah, let's go," Liam sighed, picking up his identical bag to mine.

"Come on guys we have to have fun! They will be waiting for us when we get back." Louis said. Leave it up to him to try and make us happy.

"And the fans will be disappointed if we aren't cheeky," Harry added.

We decided to walk out the front, our security guards waiting for us in the lobby. We left the hotel, many screaming fans getting pushed back by Paul. I took pictures with a few and hugged others before finally sliding into the car, waiting for the other boys. Liam and Harry are usually the last to climb in, making an extra effort to interact. While I waited I took out my phone and composed a new tweet "Great to see so many faces today, New York here we come!"

They finally all got in, Paul closing the door behind us. He sat in the front seat; the driver started the engine and drove off. Some of the girls were chasing the car, we all looking back and waving through the slightly tinted glass. I am still astonished and very grateful at our fans dedication and wouldn't ask for anything more. I slept most of the way there, arriving at the tiny private airport in about an hour. When I woke up Liam, Louis and Harry were talking about what else? Their girls. Niall was still sleeping as Liam was telling the boys what happened the night before, making it sound like no big deal and not getting into too much detail. "Vic told me about this guy Laura was dating before you and it ended really badly, she said that you were very lucky she let you in that easily." Harry said to Liam.

"Yeah I know," he shook his head. "I can tell she has been hurt before."

"Do you think she is over it?" Louis piped in, sliding to the edge of his seat.

"Yeah she is definitely over the guy, but I think she is just scared now, really guarded. But I am going to get her to trust me, whatever it takes." He looked down, the last part it seemed he said mostly to himself. We all got out of the car, the boys leaving their conversation at that as we grabbed our bags and headed inside. We got onto the plane in no time, sending our last texts and tweets before turning off our phones to take off. The cabin of the plane was really nice, we all played games and watched movies the whole ride there, the 6 hours flying by.

Laura's POV

I found my seat in the cabin where i sat next to this girl about my age with her headphones in. She didn't notice me at first, I could hear her music through her Beats and I laughed, it was One Direction. I put my bag in the overhead, grabbing all my electronics. Since I didn't think I was going to make any conversation with this girl I put in my own headphones, deciding to play the same thing. we were about to lift off so I took out my phone to turn it off, smiling when I saw a text from Liam. "hey babe, we are leaving now I will text you when Im in New York xx"

I replied a short "have a safe trip! Can't wait till you get back :)" before turning it off.

I looked up to see the girl staring at me, like she was trying to remember me. "Um hi, I'm Laura" I held out my hand trying to make things less awkward.

"Oh my god you are her! I didnt want to say anything because it would be weird if you weren't. Hi I'm Jessie." she shook my hand, a wide smile on my face.

"Who am I exactly?" I chuckled not really knowing where somebody would know me.

She turned and pulled out a magazine from her bag and showed it to me. The boys were on the front, all posed and flawless. I took the magazine and flipped through the pages stopping at one that caught my eye. "Who are these girls?" was the top, followed by multiple pictures of me with Liam, Victoria with Harry, and Debbie with Louis. We each had a paragraph containing our full names and even our Twitters. I looked back up to her "is this an American magazine?" I knew about Britian but not the US.

"Yep! Just got it this morning!" she replied taking it out of my hands and putting it back into her bag.

"So you are a big fan?" I asked her looking down at the ribbon tied to her wrist.

"Definitely," she nodded.

"a tumblr directioner I see." I pointed down to the ribbon.

"how did you know!" her face lit up.

"Because I am too and everybody knows what that means. Are you going to their concert tomorrow?"

"Yes I am camping out right after I get off the plane!" she sounded so excited. "are you going to see them?"

"Maybe, I am really going to New York to visit family but I might stop by."

"Do they know you are coming?" Jessie looked at me strange, "Why aren't you traveling with them?"

"oh they don't know I'm here." I laughed. "this trip is for me."

"Well that's good. I'm glad your life doesn't revolve around them." she laughed.

"Thanks, so who's your favorite?" I kept on the small talk, learning about where she is from and she kept asking me about the boys, if they really are what everybody thinks they are. Which is absolutely true. Time flew and I took a nap most of the way, falling asleep to Liam's perfect voice

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