Chapter 58

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The only thing I miss about is the reviews! I had so many before and I loved hearing your guys reactions! I miss it :(

Chapter 58

Laura's POV

"WAKE UP." Deborah screamed once again in my ear. This was the third time and I was plenty awake, I just didn't feel like getting up just yet.

"Go away." I moaned, my hand finding her face which was closer than I thought and pushed her away.

"Jesus Christ Laura it's one in the afternoon!" She whined, trying to shove my body off the bed.

"It's my birthday, let me sleep." I reasoned but it was no use. She stayed and I gave up, sitting up and glaring at her as pissed looking as I could.

"Get dressed. Zayn and Harry are taking you out." I felt clothing hit me and looked down to see an old pink sweatshirt of mine. "Here." she then threw me a pair of chinos but I dropped them on the floor.

"Don't fit me anymore." I responded.

"Too small?"

I shook my head, "too big."

"Do you have a lot of stuff that doesn't fit?" she looked back into my drawer.

"Not really," I shrugged. "Mostly my jeans."

"Pull them all out." she commanded and I stood up slowly, making my way over to my dresser. I reached in and took out half of the drawer, creating a pile on the ground and wondered why it mattered so much.

"Damn okay." Was all Debbie said, looking me up and down.

"No big deal." I walked into the bathroom to brush my teeth and hair and when I came out she was gone, the sweatshirt and now capris were folded on top with a colorful belt were laid out on my floor. I got dressed, put my hair up and made my way to the living room where two boys were waiting.

"There she is!" Harry exploded, closing the distance between us and engulfing me in a huge bear hug.

"Hey Haz," I tried to breathe and he laughed, putting me down.

"Happy birthday Laura," Zayn hugged me too, not as violently.

"Thanks Zayn."

"So you ready to go?" Harry grabbed his keys off the end table.

"Depends on where we are going?" I said.

"That," Zayn pointed at me. "Is a secret."

I groaned. "Is everything today a secret?!"

"Yep." Both the boys said together making me laugh. Harry called to Victoriatelling her we were leaving and next thing I knew I was being led into the unknown.

"Come on you can't give me even a little hint?!" I whined, hanging onto Harry's arm as we walked down the hall of the apartment complex.

"No! L stop." He pushed me away and I pouted.

"Why not?" I now directed my attention to Zayn who was smirking slightly.

"Because if we did your boyfriend would have a fit." He answered.

"More like a murder rampage." Harry added.

"Okay fine, I won't ask anymore..." I looked down but started smiling. "but I'm really good at keeping secrets you know! Like if you told it would just stay between us and I'm really good at acting so I'll act surprised and no one will know!" it all came out in one big rush of words and the boys were just staring at me, both trying to stifle laughs. Okay so in truth I love to be surprised, I just hate things being kept from me and waiting for it. So I will beg and beg to be told but in reality I don't want to know. They all are aware of this too and that's why, especially Liam, are being really secretive and not giving away a thing about today.

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