Chapter 50

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Chapter 50

Laura's POV

"You need to tell us these things!" I heard a familiar voice whisper under her breath. I opened my eyes to see Victoria and Debbie ganging up on Harry. I start to get up but Harry stops me. "No don't!" he whispered a little louder and I went back to my original position. "He hasn't slept that well in a long time."

I looked up at Liam now, his features so relaxed but I noticed the more prominent dark circles under his eyes. I snuggled back into him, happy to comply to Harry's wishes.

"Look girls, she’s fine see?" Harry whispered again.

I stared up at them confused and Victoria sighed, "He didn't tell us you were here but he calls the evil boyfriend!"

"Hey!" I hissed.

"What? I know you're all lovey with him again but I'm not." she defended, saying in a normal voice.

"You're not what?" Liam smirked, his eyes half open but alert.

"I'm not okay with you." She crossed her arms.

"Me either." Debbie added.

"I know, I wouldn't be either." he looked down and the girls faces softened.

"Doctor said- oh good you guys are awake." Niall walked in with a tray of food.

"Doctor said what Niall?" Liam asked, amused by how easily distracted he seems to be.

"He said if you're awake you need to eat this and if you do he will discharge you," he set the tray down on my lap  and sat at the foot of my bed.

"Ew." I looked over the food and grimaced. Dark mushy green beans, dried up turkey slices and mashed potatoes that were too white to look natural. "I'm not hungry."

"I’ll take it," He was about to pick it up again and Liam slapped his hand away.

"You want to leave don't you?" He looked me in the eye and I pouted.

"Yes," I picked up the plastic fork knowing he was right and stabbed a green bean. "Okay this is not natural." I pointed to the sagging thing.

"You are such a whiner." Debbie chuckled, walking out of the room. "I'm gonna go grab some real food."

"Fuck yes, I love food." Victoria skipped out after her, shutting the door.

"Hey Niall want some beans?" I held out the fork.


"No." Liam said flatly. "Look, if you eat all this i will make you a nice big breakfast tomorrow."

"Liam you can't cook." I laughed and he smiled. "And I don't eat breakfast, you know that." I poked his stomach.

"How do you skip breakfast?!" Niall asked astonished.

"I don't skip it all together, I just don't eat a lot." I explained.

"I'll cook you breakfast how's that?" Harry offered.

"Fine." and I started shoving tasteless mashed potatoes in my mouth. It felt weird to have something solid in my stomach, it has been a while.

"Good girl," Liam cooed and I shot him a look.

"What am I your dog?" I said, making everybody laugh.

"Sorry babe." he apologized as I started cutting the turkey. I took extra time, breaking it up in little pieces while taking little bites as I went. "There I ate half the turkey and all the mashed potatoes." I said when I finally put down my utensils.

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