Chapter 69 hehe

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Chapter 69

Liam's POV

I marched down the hall loudly and took out my phone, hitting speed dial. "Hey babe," Laura answered cheerfully.

"Hey," I coughed, trying to control my voice. "What are you doing right now?"

"I'm out with Harry, why?" Her voice turned slightly concerned. She could tell something was up, she's attuned to that.

"No reason." I'm not even sure why I called.

"Are you okay?" That was the million dollar question.

I hesitated. "Yeah I'm okay. Mind coming over after you get back?" I needed to see her.

"You aren't sick of me yet?" She joked, breaking the tension and making me relax a little.


"Okay, I'll probably be over in less than an hour then!"

"Okay, love you."

"Love you too."

I shut the phone and sighed, opening the door to my apartment. Should I tell Laura? Could I? No. She's too close with Niall, she would either deny it or ruin their friendship. I don't want to be the cause of that. I mean nothing has happened so far right? Not that I know of...

Except that one night after we got home from the hospital! Laura was on the ground laughing and he was almost on top of her, when I came down Niall looked like he just got caught red handed. Laura didn't think anything of it though, she has always been really play like and touchy with the boys. She has brothers and is used to it I guess. No, I'm not going to tell Laura. She would feel hesitant to be alone with him and we can't have that with the tour coming up. Same thing with Niall, if he doesn't remember saying anything then I will keep it that way. He wouldn't try to make any moves on her anyway...right?

Laura's POV

"Love you too." Harry mimicked in a high pitched voice and I pushed him. "He wants you to come over? Didn't you guys just get back from a whole weekend together?"

"Yeah, weird right? He sounded kind of bothered too. I wonder what's going on...I wonder if he talked to Niall yet."

"Maybe what's bothering Niall is now bothering him." Harry shrugged.

"If that's true then it must be pretty bad." I sighed. "I hope everything is okay."

"Me too." He agreed. "If you want to be home in less than an hour like you told Liam then I suggest we check out now."

"You are such an eaves dropper!"

"What you were right there!"

We were just looking at useless things now. "Yeah okay fine, let's go." I put down the Mickey Mouse clock i was looking at and led the way down to the cashiers.


"Liam?" I opened the door and look around. He was laying down on his couch with his Macbook on his stomach and wearing sweatpants and a t shirt.

"Hey," he smiled tightly and waved me over. I put down my shopping bags, kicked off my shoes and walked over to him. He set his computer on the floor and sat up, making room for me on the couch.

I knelt on the cushions close to him and he took me into a sweet delicate kiss. "What's the matter?" I asked when we pulled away.

"Nothing, why?" His brows furrowed.

"I don't know," i shrugged. "Something seems wrong."

"Nothing's wrong." He settled back into the couch and I followed him, my head falling into the crook of his neck.

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