Chapter 56

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Chapter 56

Zayn’s POV

            “Well that was unusual,” Harry commented as we walked down the sidewalk. I was surprised we hadn’t had any fan encounters since we had been out here, a few pictures of us have probably been taken but they probably won’t be used for anything but the ‘Stars Just Like You’ section of Tiger Beat magazine.

            “Yeah, what’s up with him?” Louis asked, looking into the Jack Wills window.

            “Zayn, you walked in with him. Did he mention anything to you?” Of course Liam would be the first one to suspect I knew something…and he was right.

            I shook my head no, followed by a “he didn’t mention much.” Niall never specifically told me to not tell the boys, but I do not want to see Liam’s reaction if he knew what was going on.

            “He’s probably fine guys.”Victoriapulled Harry along and into a store.

            “Yeah, he probably just has to get stuff done at home. He already got what he needed here so why stick around?” Debbie added, and that ended the conversation. I didn’t want to be pressured into saying anything, Niall came to me and I plan to keep the conversation to myself.

Laura’s POV

            Might as well get dressed for the occasion, even my boyfriend left me home alone today so a chance to get out sounded great. I went to my closet and pulled out some new clothes. It was quite hot out and a beautiful day for London, the sun was shining and I did not want to be covered up. I chose jean shorts and a white cami, throwing a white and blue cardigan on top. Then my phone buzzed and I looked over. A text from Niall saying “Be there in 5.” Okay now I have to rush. I shook out my hair from the bun it was in and brushed it through with my fingers as I jammed my feet into a pair of low black converse. I looked into the mirror, putting on some light foundation and eye liner and was ready to go just in time. I heard the door open just as I walked out and saw Niall. “Ready?” he asked.

            “Just about,” I grabbed my phone and shoved it in my back pocket, scanning the room for anything I missed. I noticed something deep in the couch cushions and I pulled it out to reveal black suspenders. “Huh, I wonder how long these have been back there.” I recalled yesterday, not remembering Louis wearing them.

            “Wear them, will remind you to give them back later.” He suggested and I did so. I clipped them on and let them hang down. They really did complete the outfit.

            “Alright,” I followed him out and locked the door behind me. “So where are we going?”

            “Wherever you want.” He replied, clicking away at his IPhone.

            “Any place with a good steak,” I said. I have always been a vicious carnivore and right now I really missed steak.

He looked up from his phone, raising an eyebrow with a slight smirk on his face. “My pleasure.”

Niall led me down a road in the city to a small seafood place with an outdoor patio. We walked in and got seated outside, overlooking a couple of shops. “So this place has good steak, I never would have thought.” I said looking around.

“Yep, a restaurant that even makes their random dishes amazing is a damn good restaurant.” He said a matter of factly.

I laughed at his seriousness, “spoken like a true food lover.”

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