Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Victoria’s POV

“We aren’t just fans.” Laura stated, clearly pissed at this guys rudeness.

“I am sorry miss but this hotel has strict instructions to not let any girls up to their room.” The man behind the desk gestured to the mob of waiting girls outside the lobby doors.

“Well I can take those strict instructions and shove them up your—“

“That’s enough.” I stepped up to the desk. “Laura I am calling Harry.” The receptionist rolled his eyes as I pulled out my phone and dialed his number.

“You here yet?” A husky voice instantly answered.

“We are in the lobby. This guy won’t let us up.”

“I’ll call the desk,” he said hanging up.

“He is going to call,” I smirked at the receptionist.

“Yeah rig—“ then the phone rang. He picked it up, his eyes widened as he stuttered, “oh r right away Mr. Styles. I am terribly sorry Mr. Styles, won’t happen again.” The man hung up, instantly walking around the desk, “Right this way please.” He gestured, smiling.

“Oh so now you are nice…” Laura muttered, following him. He took us up the elevator to the top floor where he politely gave us instructions and apologized again before riding back down. We walked down to the end of the hall as directed to be greeted by huge double doors.

“Damn.” Debbie whispered as I knocked.

“VAS HAPPENIN’” Zayn opened the door, greeting us with his signature line. “You all must be the girls these boys have been obsessing about for the last day!”

We all giggled. “That’s us!” Debbie replied, holding her hands out.

“We weren’t obsessing.” Liam appeared, running a hand through his dark hair.

“Aw it’s okay Li Li, girls take that as a compliment!” An irish accent rounded the corner. “Hi I’m Niall.” A cheeky blue eyed boy pops up holding a Ho Ho.

“Aw Li Li! That’s cute, I think I am going to steal that.” I broke from Niall’s gaze to see Laura smiling at Liam.

“See Niall, look what you did!” Liam smacked him on the arm.

“Well don’t just let them stand there. Come in guys!” I heard a deep husky voice call from inside and I immediately started smiling.

“Yeah come on in!” Zayn waved at us. We walked into their giant suite in aw. It was surprisingly neat for five boys living in there and was a staircase?!

“Crazy isn’t it. We have never stayed somewhere this awesome before,” Harry caught my attention, now standing up waiting for me.

“Hi,” I smiled, walking towards him.

“Hi,” he held out his arms to hug me.

“AW!” screamed Louis, who I didn’t notice was on the couch behind us.

“Get used to that,” I could smell his minty breath as he chuckled in my ear.

“Way to greet me?!” Debbie shouted, making her way over to the couch.

“Sorry babe, was in an intense game right here,” Louis said, pointing to the TV.

“Ah I see,” She said crossing her arms.

“What game are you playing?” I asked, looking around Harry.

“I was playing Modern Warfare 3, but I am done now,” Louis said getting up and walking towards Debbie.

“Oh can I play?” I took Harry’s hand, dragging him to the couch with me.

“You sure?” Zayn asked, raising an eyebrow as he grabbed a controller.

“Yeah we get pretty intense…” Niall sat down on the armrest.

“Don’t underestimate Victoria!” I heard Laura call as she walked into the kitchen, Liam at her side. I laughed as Harry handed me a controller and I took the first shot.

Laura’s POV

I was appalled at the boys doubting Victoria’s gaming skills so I yelled “Don’t underestimate Victoria!” as Liam led me into the quieter kitchen.

“So are you into video games like Victoria is?” Liam raised an eyebrow.

“No,” I snorted, “I like to watch them and all but playing them just isn’t my thing.” I laughed. “You would think I would because my all my brothers loved them but…”

“Oh yes, all those many, many protective brothers you have.” He laughed.

“I don’t have that many!” I said hitting him.

“I know.” Liam said lowly, staring in my eyes. I blushed, looking down.

“LOUIS GET OUT OF THE WAY!” I snapped my head up to hear Victoria screaming at him.

I sighed and Liam rolled his eyes before saying “Let’s get out of here.”

“I don’t know if I want to leave that group alone for awhile,” I chuckled, pointing behind me.

“Me either,” he chuckled. “I just meant up to my room.”

“Oh okay,” I blushed again as he took my hand and lead me out of the kitchen and up the stairs.

About halfway up everybody looks at us and start saying “Ooohhhhh!”

I shook my head, as did Liam and Louis shouted, “You guys were made for each other!” Everybody erupted in laughter as Liam pulled me up the rest of the stairs and down the hall to his room. He opened the door to reveal a relatively clean room, with a flat screen TV across from the queen sized bed, freshly made. I walked over to his TV and found tons of Disney movies stacked up on the table. Right on top was Toy Story of coarse but I found the one I was looking for halfway through the stack. I popped Monsters Inc. into the DVD player and hit play. I turned around to find Liam watching me, and eyebrow raised, laying on his bed.

“What?” I giggled. ‘I love this movie!”

“Then let’s watch it,” he smiled, patting the spot next to him on the bed. I climbed across the bed, nestling in his open arms and we watched the movie in silence for awhile. After about 30 min Liam broke the comfortable silence. “Laura?” I looked up at him, to find him already staring down at me. “I was just wondering, why didn’t you go all fan girl on me at the mall?”

I shrugged. “I don’t know. I guess I knew I would scare you away if I did. Fan girling is not very attractive.” I laughed.

“Hmmmm” he hummed.

“Why?” I asked.

“I don’t, I was just thinking that things would be so much different if you did.”

“How so?”

“Well we wouldn’t be here…” he said as he sat up and looked at me straight on.

“Yeah, I guess so.”

“And I wouldn’t be doing this.” Liam leaned in, his soft lips, melting on mine. I was hesitant at first, but it didn’t take long for me to give in, feeling the fire, our lips moving perfectly in sync. He laid down, placing me on top of him in one fluid motion, as his tongue traced my bottom lip. We pulled away breathing heavily, looking into each others eyes.

“But I’m glad you did,” I whispered as he pulled me in again, this time rolling on top of me, holding himself up, he was hovering over me. I had my hands on his neck and could feel his body heat as I let his tongue enter; I stifled a moan as he smiled into the kiss, fully aware of what he was doing. He pulled away when we heard a crash, coming from downstairs and a lot of laughing. “I don’t even want to know what that was…” I groaned.

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