The beginning

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Erika's POV

The day I met Jake was one of the greatest days of my life. I was just a girl from Michigan that needed a job. I never thought a girl like me would ever move all the way to LA and meet my best friend and help him build his company. Which he would call Team 10. The day I first met Jake I knew I had feelings for him. But I knew he didn't have feelings for me. After all, we had just met and I knew we had to keep things professional. Besides I'm sure he wasn't even into me or looking to date anyone anyway right?

Jake's POV 

The day I met Erika was one of the greatest days of my life. I was just a failing high school student with big dreams. My teachers thought I would never make it, I would fail at life. But I proved them wrong. Moving to LA with my brother Logan was one of the scariest things I've done. My dream was to start a company for young talented teens to become famous. Which I would call Team 10. Erika would be my assistant. She helped me choose the teens which would soon be a part of Team 10. Erika was my best friend, my rock, the one who could calm me down in stressful situations. I liked her. But I knew she felt differently. We had just met each other at the time. I was guessing Erika wanted to keep things professional between us. She probably wasn't even interested in dating a guy like me. Right?

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