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I pulled up to the apartment complex and parked my car in the parking lot. I got out and walked toward the lobby entrance. I walked toward the doors hesitating before opening. Should I really be doing this? I mean Alissa almost killed Erika. I pushed those thoughts out of my head. I can trust Alissa, at least I think I can. I push the glass doors open and enter the bright room. Alissa said she would be waiting for me in the lobby. I looked around until I spotted her on her phone back against the wall. She looked up at me and I looked down at her. I felt a spark. Why? I walked over to her. She came closer to me as we looked each other in the eyes, which felt like forever until she spoke.

A: So... you came.

J: Of course I said I would be here.

I scratched my head as we both stood in silence. 

A: Oh um here we can go up to my apartment.

J: Of course!

We headed toward the elevator and got on. The ride was filled with awkward silence. The elevator ringed signaling we were on the floor we wanted to be on. The elevator doors opened and we stepped out towards the hall. Alissa started to walk down the hall, me following behind. She stood outside the apartment door and grabbed her keys from her pocket. She unlocked the door and she walked in. I walked in after her. I walked into the kitchen looking around at how neat and organized the room was. The house smelled of lavender due to candles burning throughout each room. Alissa came towards me.

A: Please make yourself at home. Do you need anything?

J: No I'm fine thanks for asking.

A: No probs.

I sat down on the couch looking through the window showing an incredible view of LA. Wow, I never have seen it like this. It looked so big from up here. It makes you realize how small us humans are compared to the rest of the world. Alissa sat down next to me.

A: The view is beautiful isn't it.

J: Um... yeah wow!

A: I'm really glad you trust me again.

J: Well I trusted you once I can trust you again right?

A: Yeah I guess.

Alissa chuckled as she said that. To be honest I really missed that laugh.

A: Hey if you don't mind me asking... what happened between you and Erika.

J: Oh well we just weren't agreeing and we thought we just weren't right for each other.

Of course, I knew this wasn't true but Alissa didn't. Plus I didn't want to tell her everything especially since it's not really her business anyway. She stared at me blankly for a couple seconds.

A: Oh well I'm so sorry.

J: It's fine, anyway can we change the subject.

A: Sure.

She smiled. Her smile was adorable. Wow only now did I just realize how much I missed Alissa. I think I may have feelings for her. She was cute, funny, and had a positive attitude. Well besides her crazy side of her but overall she was a super sweet person. She scooted closer to me. I didn't mind though I liked it. I looked over at her and looked at her in the eyes. She looked up me. She focused closely on my eyes. This went on for only a couple seconds but felt like a couple minutes.

A: Jake can I be honest with you?

J: Of course.

A: Okay... well ever since I met you I've always liked you like, like like you.

I chuckled.

J: Can I be honest with you?

A: Yeah.

J: I feel the same way.

She looked at me her forehead touching mine. She smiled, I smiled. I leaned in closer to her lips kissing her. It was a passionate kiss. It felt so right. My hands wrapped around her waist as we continued to kiss. She started to go in deeper. Then all of the sudden the apartment door swung open. We stopped and separated from each other. Alissa and I both scooted away from each other looking who was at the door. I couldn't believe my eyes. Erika!?!?!

Long chapter I know. Comment on what you think. Merry Christmas/Holidays. :)

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