Alissa Violet

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1 Year Later...


After long nights of working hard for a little over a year, Jake and I have finally chosen the first member of Team 10. Her name is Alissa Violet. I have interviewed her a couple times just to make sure she was the right person to be around. Alissa seemed really nice and all but there was something about her. I couldn't tell what but there was something wrong. Not with her but when she was around everything felt different. I didn't really think too much of it because Jake seemed to be really happy around her. I mean she was really pretty and just perfect. I never had a chance with Jake since Alissa came. I decided I should keep my feelings for Jake in the back of my mind. And hopefully, I would forget about those feelings if I didn't think about them. I considered just avoiding Jake but I knew that wouldn't be an option. Jake is my best friend I couldn't just all of the sudden avoid him for no reason. That wouldn't work. I would eventually just have to tell him the truth, and that was NOT an option.


After working hard long nights. After a little over a year, Erika and I have found the first member of Team 10. Alissa Violet. Erika interviewed her many times. It was so hard to choose. I think Alissa is the perfect fit. She's 18 years old and has the bright positive attitude we were looking for. Erika has seemed distant when Alissa is around. It's weird. I've been meaning to talk to her about it but I seem to always be busy doing something. Showing Alissa around the Team 10 house I recently bought, trying to find more people to join Team 10, and working on my acting career. Time has gone too fast. I missed having Erika with me all the time. Trying to stay awake through the whole night trying to decide different things to make Team 10 the best it can be. I want to tell her how I feel about her but clearly, she doesn't like me that way so I'll just try to ignore those feelings and put them in the back of my mind.


After being interviewed many times and waiting for a little over a year, I was chosen to be the first member of Team 10. I quickly moved into the official house for the Team 10 members. Jake was super nice and really hot. Erika, on the other hand, was such a dumb, ugly, slut. Trying to look all hot on her Instagram. Such a fake. Lucky for me she seemed to be more distant when I was around. So I tried to be with Jake 24/7. It's very obvious that Erika is obsessed with Jake. She's always trying to be with him. Like jeez, give your best friend some space. I'm pretty positive that Jake likes Erika too. I decided to change that. Jake doesn't deserve such a psycho (plz don't take this as an offense) like her. He deserves better. Little did he know what I had in store for Erika. Erika watch your back.

Hey guys! Quick note. Thx so much for all of the support for this book. I really didn't know if anyone would read this. So thx so much for all of the support. Also, I would love to give a huge shoutout to lilyfequet thx so much for all of the kind things you have said. Keep working hard. Plz, go check her out and read her Jerika and Team 10 smut book. Btw sorry I couldn't get the link thing to her profile working so I would search it. Luv you guys! :)

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