The Hospital

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Last night Erika was put into the hospital. Alissa was sentenced to jail. For many obvious reasons. And I was patiently waiting in the hospital's main office for Erika to get the all clear. The last time I saw her was when they put her into the ambulance. She wasn't awake but she was breathing. That was relieving. I just wish I could see her. I had called her family and they were coming to LA in about 2 days. Hopefully, Erika would be awake by then. God, I missed her. The doctor came out. Please say she's okay.

Doctor: Jake Paul?

I stood up and walked over to the doctor.

J: That's me.

D: I'm assuming your Erika's boyfriend

After what happened yesterday I wasn't really sure what to call us. Were we a couple or was the kiss just a one-time thing.

J: Um... no, actually I'm her best friend.

D: Okay... would you like to see Erika. Granted she is not awake. She is in a coma so she will still be able to hear you.

J: Oh my god yes, please. I have been waiting all night and day to see her.

D: Alright, follow me.

I followed the doctor to room 110. Erika was in there. What was I going to say? God, I hope I don't mess things up. I opened the door and saw Erika laying in the small hospital bed. She was pale. She looked as if her body was just there not even her soul. Or her. It scared me. I sat down on the chair nearest to her bed. I held her hand.

J: Hey Erika. Listen I know you can't see me but you can hear me so I wanted to say a few things.

Tears welled in my eyes.

J: First of all I would never date Alissa. She was only a friend at the time. I've always had feelings for you. Since I met you. You are everything I've wanted. Beautiful, courageous, kind, strong, and my best friend. I know I shouldn't have started beating Alissa it was wrong of me. I shouldn't have done that. I was just mad at her she shouldn't have put you through that torcher. I love you Erika Costell. Forever and Always.

Tears were falling down my face onto the bed. Erika stayed silent unmoved. I stayed silent in my own thoughts crying to myself. 

J: Please wake up Erika. I need you.

I whispered over and over hoping it would make her wake up. The door flew open with a loud whoosh then thud hitting the wall. Doctors started rushing in one by one. What the heck is happening? Was Erika dying? Was she already dead? The doctors pushed me to the side and I was left in the back of the crowd. I couldn't see what was happening. Doctors were yelling back and forth to each other about some machine that was doing something it wasn't.

D 1: We need to get the defibrillator.

What is that?

D 2: On it.

D 1: We need to start her heart.

Wait her heart wasn't beating. The whole time when that machine started to beep faster I didn't even notice. The doctors had me step out of the room. That was so unreasonable. My best friend was in there dying and I couldn't be a part of it. I paced back and forth in the waiting room. What should I do? I heard a sudden scream. Erika!

D 1: Jake.

J: That's me is Erika okay... is she alive?

D 1: She's alive. Not well but alive.

J: Oh my gosh thank you so much. You have no idea.

Erika's alive. Thank god.

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