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For the past couple of days now I've noticed something different about Jake. Maybe this is just me but I think there's something up. Lately he's been "busy" doing other things whenever I ask him if he wants to hangout. Like for example I asked Jake this morning if he wanted to go out for breakfast. He was clearly not doing anything at the time and just sitting and looking at his phone. But instead he said that he had to go to the store and pick up food for the house. Which to be honest with you he rarely ever gets anything for the Team 10 house. In fact he breaks most things in the house. Also, he's been around Tessa like a lot lately. And trust me I don't want to put this thought in my head but I'm worried that Jake is cheating on me with Tessa. I know this doesn't make since because Tessa is dating Chance but what if Chance is being played by Tessa and doesn't know. Jake had just been around Tessa more than me and maybe I'm just jealous. But whenever I see the two together there always whispering and sometimes one of the them slightly glances over at me. I also see them hugging a lot too. I honestly don't know if I should confront Jake or just leave it be and wait to see what happens.

I've been so busy with Tessa and planning the proposal I haven't had time to do anything with Erika. I feel really bad. I'm worried that she is becoming more distant to me and our relationship. This is why I am so eager to get the planning done and ask her this life changing question. I was now with Tessa in her room planning the location of the proposal. We didn't want Erika to hear anything so that's why we were in Tessa's room.
T: Now that we have the initial plan where were you thinking of actually proposing.
J: Well Erika loves Goats and things like that. So I was thinking I would surprise her to a trip to Nashville to see her parents and I found this really nice barn and I was thinking I would propose there.
T: Aw okay that sounds so romantic. Hopefully Chance will be that romantic when he proposes to me.
I chuckled at that and smiled.
J: Speaking of, how are you and Chance doing?
T: Really good.
J: That's good.
T: Yeah it is, I think after what happened to me we became closer. Speaking of which what ever happened to Anthony.
J: Well I resigned him from Team  10 and he obviously moved out and I really don't know now. I lost interest in what kind of crap he was doing once I found out he was working with Alissa.
T: That makes since.
J: Oh man I'm starting to get nervous.
T: Don't be everything is going to work out fine.
J: Your right.
We laughed and continued to talk until it was late and we both fell asleep on Tessa's bed.

I was walking up the stairs hoping I would find Jake in our room. I walked through the hall when I heard laughing coming from Tessa's room. It sounded like there were two laughs coming from the room. Please don't let it be Jake and Tessa. I opened the door slightly and quietly so they wouldn't hear and see me. It was Jake and Tessa. Great. I wanted to jump in there and yell at the both of them. Instead I ran away and into Jake and I's room and collapsed into the bathroom. Tears streamed down my red face and I lay there in silence looking at myself in the mirror. How could Jake do this to me? He was my everything and now he was just another cheater like my last boyfriend. I wanted to scream so loud and I wanted Jake and Tessa out of my life. I grabbed one of my empty perfume bottles and threw at the mirror. Glass shattered everywhere and I fell to the ground crying hard and breathing heavy. I lay on the floor and soon fell asleep. Glass and sorrows surrounding my body. Jake never came into our room that night.

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