Perfect Proposal

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For awhile now I have been thinking about how I am going to propose to Erika. It has to be absolutely perfect for her. Because Erika is perfect. I needed some help. I walked down the stairs of the house and went to go find Tessa. I figured since Tessa and Erika were best friends she would be able to help me plan the perfect proposal. Erika was out getting breakfast so I didn't have to worry about her hearing anything. Tessa was on the couch watching TV with Chance. They had only came back from New York last night. I sat down next to Tessa and she looked up at me.

T: Hey Jake whatchu up too?
J: Not much... Erika is out getting breakfast so I thought this would be a good time to ask you something.
T: Yeah of course. What do you need to ask me?
J: Well... I have thinking for awhile about this and I want to ask Erika to marry me.
Tessa and Chance's face lit up.
C: Bro finally! You don't know how long I have been waiting for you to bring this up.
I laughed and Tessa proceeded to say something.
T: So how does this have anything to do with me?
J: Well I thought that you and Erika are best friends and that you would maybe be willing to help me figure out how to propose to her?
T: I would be honored Jake. I'm glad you asked me.
J: Me too. Because I really didn't have a plan.
T: Well I think we better get started. So what were you thinking.

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