Back to Erika

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I was in my room wasting my time drawing. I've never told anyone but I love to draw and create art. And I like to think that I'm pretty good at it. I heard someone come down the stairs and start talking, it was Chance. Music blasted through my ears. Due to the fact music from my phone was playing through my headphones. I whispered the words to myself hoping no one would know I was in my room. I took one earbud out trying to hear the conversation Chance and Jake were having. It was very muffled since I had the door closed. I walked over to the door and opened up a little bit hoping I could hear the muffled conversation clearly. I heard chance asking Jake if he was okay. Jake then responded. He said he was okay. He was lying I could tell, the way his voice sounded when he said that sounded depressing and angry. He must have something on his mind, was it me? I needed to get him back. I missed him so much. I was depressed and lonely without him in my life. Chance and Jake finished the conversation and Chance went back upstairs. I walked back to my bed and took out the headphones I left plugged into my phone. I shoved them back into one of the dresser drawers. I put my phone on the nightstand next to my bed and plugged the charger into it. I needed to go talk to Jake, tell him the truth about everything. Including Alissa. I changed my Adidas pants into some jean shorts and left my black tank top on. I grabbed one of jake's sweatshirts that he left in my room a while ago and put it on over my shirt. I shoved some sandals on and walked toward the mirror. Even though I was just going to talk to Jake I still didn't want to look like a train wreck. I was about to walk out of my room when Jake walked over to front door opening it. Where was he going? I hid behind the door my eyes peering over the small crack that showed the hallway. Jake opened the front door and started to walk out he then stopped and looked back into the house. I could've just walked out and stopped him but no I was too scared. I let him leave and close the door behind him. It was over. I missed my chance. I was so close. My fears got the best of me. Sh**. I went back into my room and slammed the door. I ran and flopped down on my bed. I ruined it. I ruined us. Tears welled in my eyes. I missed Jake so much. I was a completely different person without him in my life. A person I didn't want to be. Tears started to stream my face as I cried silently into my pillow. I was alone. I had no friends, I broke up with my abusive boyfriend, my family was all the way in Nashville. I had no one. No one to cry to when I needed help. The next thing I knew the room was spinning things were blurry. Chance and Anthony burst into the room and ran over to me. I only remember the room going black.

Hey plz comment what you think of this book so far been needing some feedback!!

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