Alissa's Plans P.1

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It was dark. I was cold. My head was spinning. I didn't know where I was all I could remember was Alissa coming into my room and asking me questions about Jake. I was in a room alone. At least I thought I was. I could feel my hands and feet tied to the chair I was sitting in. All I could think about was "I need to get to Jake."

earlier that day...


I missed Erika. Sure it was nice having Alissa around to talk to but it wasn't the same. Erika and I have barely talked to each other since Alissa got here. We only ever said hi to each other when we passed but that's about it. I was sitting on my bed on my phone when I heard the door open. Alissa walked in.

A: Hey

J: Hey what's up?

A: I wondered if you wanted to go downstairs and watch tv on the couch?

I was hoping this wasn't Alissa's way of asking me out on another date.

J: Just as friends though right?

A: Of course... just as friends.

Alissa and I walked downstairs and sat on the couch. We sat there a couple minutes watching the tv having small talk. Alissa started to scooch closer to me and laid her head on my shoulder. I thought she said this wasn't a date. I scooted over father away from her. She glared at me with cold eyes. For a second it was nice to have a friend to talk to, to hang out with. I missed Erika I needed her. But I knew that I couldn't think like that. I pushed it to the back of mind. Maybe if I was with Alissa I wouldn't think about my feelings for Erika as much. I needed to sleep on it. To make sure it was the right decision. I moved closer to Alissa. She was hesitant but soon laid her head on my shoulder. I smiled down at her. This was nice. We both sat there not really watching the tv. But in our own thoughts.

J: This is nice thanks.

A: Thanks for what?

J: For being my friend... my best friend.

Alissa sat up and looked at me.

A: Hey I'll be right back I just remembered I wanted to ask Erika some questions. Questions really she would understand. But I'll be back.

J: Okay I'll make us some more popcorn.

Then Alissa walked into the kitchen into Erika's room and closed the door behind her.


Jake and I were finally having our first date. It was incredible. But he seemed distracted. Almost like he was thinking about something. Someone. Erika. I had to get rid of that slut of a girl. My head was resting on Jake's shoulder thinking about how I was going to pull my plan off. I had a perfect idea. Punishing was all I've ever learned to do when solving a problem. So punishing Erika was the perfect solution. I lifted my head a little and looked at him. He was perfect. Blonde hair, sharp jawline, perfect body. Absolutely no flaws. Jake looked down at me and smiled.

J: This is nice thanks.

A: Thanks for what?

J: For being my friend... my best friend.

I lifted my head off his shoulder and looked at him.

A: Hey I'll be right back I just remembered I wanted to ask Erika some questions. Questions really she would understand. But I'll be back.

J: Okay I'll make us some more popcorn.

I then walked into the kitchen and grabbed a hammer from one of the cupboards. Lord knows why we had a hammer in the kitchen. But it was perfect for my plan. I put the hammer in my sweatshirt pocket and walked over to Erika's room. I looked back at Jake who was watching the tv and smiled. I then walked into Erika's room and closed the door behind me. Erika was in her bed reading a book. Whoever knew that a dumb slut like her read. She looked up at me and I plastered a fake smile on my face.

A: Hey Erika! I was wondering if I could ask you a few questions?

E: Oh... um, sur...

A: About Jake.

Erika looked at me blankly then proceeded to sit up straight with her head and back laying against her headboard. She nodded. I then asked her the questions.

A: How do you see Jake? As a friend or...

E: A best friend.

A: Alright.

I then asked Erika 3 more questions before I asked her the fourth and final question.

A: Do you like Jake?

She sat there. And stared at me. Almost shocked. I was about to grab the hammer out of my pocket when she answered.

E: Yes.

She answered truthfully. I had a lot of respect for her. But that still didn't change the fact that she can't end up with Jake.

A: Okay. But you can't have Jake. He's mine. He loves me and I love him.

E: That's not true. He would never want to be with a pyscho like you.

I despised Erika. How dare she say that. But she can't affect me. She's too dumb to ever get past me.

A: It's true. He asked me out on a date a couple weeks ago. I finally had the urge to say yes. And he and I were just on the couch watching tv together. So if you don't believe me ask him yourself but he will say the exact same thing.

Tears were filling Erika's eyes. Just what I wanted.

E: Why did you even ask me these questions.

A: So I made sure you would never end up with Jake. Now that I know you like him I can finally stop you.

E: And how are you going to stop me?

A: Oh I have an idea.

I inched closer to her bed and eventually sat down. I smiled at her. She tried getting away but I was sitting on her legs, she couldn't move. To my surprise, she stayed quiet. I played with her hair and whispered in her ear.

A: Say your last words. Jake won't see you for a long time.


I was sitting in my bed reading a book when my door opened. It was Alissa. I heard Jake and her in the living room laughing and talking. I tried not to be bothered by it. Why was Alissa in my room? I sat up with my head and back against my headboard. Alissa proceeded to ask me questions. All to do with Jake. What the heck was her problem. After asking me 3 questions she asked me one more.

A: Do you like Jake?

I was stunned. I sat there hesitant. Not knowing if I should lie or tell the truth. I decided as a role model for Alissa, to tell the truth. Since technically Jake and I signed her.

E: Yes.

Alissa looked at me with evil eyes. But smiled. She then proceeded to inch closer and closer to my bed. Why would she ask me these questions? She eventually sat on my bed sitting on my feet. Alissa smiled. She started to play with my hair. What the heck. I tried escaping but I was trapped. She was sitting on my feet. I couldn't move. She whispered in my ear.

A: Say your last words. Jake won't see you for a long time.

I was scared I tried screaming for help but Alissa had her right hand covering my mouth. My screams only her to hear. I gave up I stopped screaming knowing that no one would hear them. I tried kicking but she wouldn't budge. She was now laying on top of me. Her face inches from mine. Her right hand drew away from my mouth and reached for the lamp on my nightstand the only source of light I had on in my room. Her left hand started to stroke my arms and legs and played with my tank top straps. Her right hand reached the lamp and she turned the light off. It was completely dark. I couldn't see a thing. I felt Alissa climb off of me. She grabbed my arms and dragged me out of my bed. She pushed me on the floor and started to punch me. I don't know how she could see. She kicked and punched leaving bruises that I would feel the next day. My head pounded I could feel blood. From where? I could hear Alissa shuffling through her sweatshirt pocket trying to grab something. She stopped and stayed quite. I thought she had left. I struggled to try to sit up when I felt a slam on my head. Everything went black.


I heard slamming and a loud bang come from Erika's room. I started to freak out. I dropped the bowl of popcorn and rushed to her room. The door was locked. Only one thing came to my head. "I need to get to Erika!"

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