Aspen P.4

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After snowboarding with Jake, Chad, and Anthony we went back to the cabin. Everyone in Team 10 is either sick or is getting sick. It sucked that not everyone could hang out all at once. This was supposed to be a Team 10 birthday trip for Jake. I was laying with Jake in our room, on the bed. We were both on our phones enjoying each other's company. I opened up Snapchat and took a picture of Jake. He didn't see me taking the picture. I posted it on my story and turned my phone off. I laid it on my chest. I looked up at Jake who was still looking down at his phone. He turned to look at me and smiled. He turned his phone off and set it down beside him.

E: I was thinking...

I paused thinking for a minute.

E: How bout we celebrate for your birthday tonight.

J: How are we going to do that?

E: What do you mean?

J: Everyone is sick.

E: I think they can celebrate for your birthday. For example, you had a 103-degree fever earlier today but you still vlogged and went snowboarding.

J: True. But where would we go?

E: I'm sure there's a club or something we could go to.

J: I'm down. We just need to let everyone know.

E: I got you, babe.

I winked at him and he smiled. I turned my phone back on and opened the group chat where everyone from Team 10 was connected. 

E: Were celebrating for Jake's birthday whether your sick or not.

A: I'm down.

Chad: Same.

T: What time? I need to know how much time I have to get ready.

Chance: Typical Tessa.

T: Shut up Chance!

E: We are all going to leave at like 6:00 so we can get to the club on time.

T: See you then!

A: K.

I then turned my phone back off and laid my head on Jake's chest.

J: Is everyone down?

E: Yep we have to leave at 6:00.

J: Well then we better get ready. It's almost 5:00.

I sat up and moved my feet to the edge of the bed almost touching the floor. I walked to the large closet that Jake and I shared. He followed behind me. This was going to be an incredible night.

Hey guys, like I said I still don't know if I'm going to take a break or not. I sadly am sick so that sucks but I did write another chapter for you guys if I do decide to take a break. If I am home again tomorrow then I will probably write another chapter.

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