Another Chance...

896 11 7

(W= worker)


I woke up to the Chance and Anthony both talking and pacing. What happened? I was still sitting in my bed. I sat up a little and Chance and Anthony realized that I was awake and rushed over to me.

A: Are you okay?
C: you need anything?
E: Yeah I'm okay my head just hurts... but what happened?
C: Well you were upstairs and you must have started crying and then you started screaming.
A: So we rushed down to your room and you were breathing really heavy and then you passed out.
E: Oh well I'm fine now. Could you give me some time alone and let me calm down a bit?
C & A: Of course!
Chance and Anthony both walked out of my room and closed the door silently. I stood up and looked at myself in the mirror, I was a mess. I regret not running out to Jake. Wherever he was I have to find him. I need to tell him the truth I can't keep avoiding him. I ran out of my room and walked over to the kitchen where. Chance was. I was hoping he knew where Jake went.
E: Hey Chance... I was wondering if you knew where Jake went.
C: Actually yeah... he said he was going to the store and then some apartment complex.
E: Do you happen to know what apartment complex?
C: Um yeah Cornerstone LA apartments.
E: Okay thanks!
Jake was with Alissa how could he. The only reason I know this is because I used to live in that apartment building. I know that Alissa lives there because that's where I met her and she was my next door neighbor. Small world I know. I ran towards the car and started driving towards the building. I assumed Alissa was still in the same apartment that she was in when I was her neighbor. I found the building and parked in the parking lot. I ran towards the lobby doors and entered the bright room. I walked over to the check-in desk to make sure Alissa still lived here.

E: Hi um I was wondering if Alissa Violet still lives here?

W: One-second mam let me check.

The man typed loudly on his computer clicking multiple times.

W: Yep she still lives here.

E: Oh my goodness thank you so much.

I left the desk and headed toward the elevator. The elevator dinged and the doors opened. I walked out and headed down the hall. I reached the door and had my hand on the doorknob. I hesitated before opening and took a deep breath I was so freaking nervous. I opened the door and the door hit the wall with a thud. My eyes couldn't believe what I was seeing. Jake and Alissa were making out on the couch. My heart broke. How could Jake do this to me? Jake and Alissa separated from each other and both looked at me. Jake looked shocked and Alissa looked very angry. Tears streamed down my face. I was just looking at Jake. He looked humiliated.

J: Erika... what are you doing here?

E: Just nevermind I shouldn't have chased after you anyway clearly you moved on!

I ran down the hall out of the lobby and collapsed in my car. I cried harder than I have ever before. I didn't know what to do.


Erika was at the door looking at both me and Alissa. Dissapointment filled her eyes. I was humiliated.

J: Erika... what are you doing here?

E: Just nevermind I shouldn't have chased after you anyway clearly you moved on!

She ran down the hallway with tears streaming down her face. I got up from the couch and chased her. I didn't care what Alissa said I needed to tell Erika everything. I still loved her and I couldn't hide it anymore.

A: Jake where the frick are you going.

I didn't answer her question and ran down the hall through the lobby and searched for her car in the parking lot. I found it, she was crying in the drivers seat. Oh god what have done. I got in the passenger seat and closed the car door.

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