Aspen P.2

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I just wanted to say a quick thanks to everyone who commented on my face reveal it really means a lot to me honestly. This I guess I could fandom supporting me has helped me get through a lot. You all deserve happiness and you are all beautiful!!


I woke up to see Jake's face I was confused. I know I wasn't in the car. Where was I. I lifted my head a slight bit higher and I realized that Jake was carrying me. 

J: Good Morning!

E: Are we here?

J: Yeah you slept through the whole ride. At first, I was worried you died or something.

Jake chuckled.

E: Oh well you can set me down now if you want to.

J: Okay.

Jake set me down gently on the cold hardwood floors of the giant house Team 10 would be staying in. I looked around and took in the view from the giant glass window that was in the living room. It was breathtaking. Jake stood behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. 

J: This view is almost as beautiful as you.

I laughed.

E: Thanks, babe.

My smile was so big it hurt.

E: Hey, I think I'm going to go and try to find Tessa.

J: Okay. I'm going to go snowboard with Chad and Chance.

E: Alright I'll join you guys later.

J: K, bye.

E: Bye.

Besides Jake, I've gotten to meet a lot of amazing people and become really good friends with them. Tessa happens to be one of them. We've become really close over the last couple of weeks. We are practically sisters. I walked around the house, through the long halls, and up the large staircase. I walked down again the long halls until I heard a slight bang on a near wall. I walked a couple steps further until I saw a door that was cracked open. I stepped closer peeking through the cracked door.  Tessa was there but Chance was there as well.

C: What do you think we should do?

T: What do you mean?

C: Should we tell Team 10 that well you know together?

T: Well first I think we should tell Jake and Erika. Erika's my best friend and Jake is your best friend so I think they would support us.

C: So you think the rest of Team 10 won't support us being together?

T: That's not what I mean't... I just think they will be more open to the idea since there a couple.

C: Alright I'm down

T: Good!

Tessa smiled and moved closer to Chance. I moved my head further through the cracked door.

C: Great.

Chance smiled and leaned in kissing Tessa. Their lips moved in sync and it soon began to get heated. They separated and Tessa started walking towards the door. A slight smirk on her face. I ran as fast as I could to the other side of the hall so they wouldn't see me. Tessa closed the door and walked back to Chance. What was happening. I always thought that Tessa liked Tristan. How could she not tell me. I needed to tell Jake straight away. I walked back down the hall and down the staircase. I looked around searching for Jake. Then I found Nick.

E: Yo Nick, have you seen Jake?

N: Yeah he went with Anthony and Chad. I think he told me they were going snowboarding.

E: Oh yeah Jake told me. I'm going to go join them. See you later.

N: Wait, Erika... you look flustered.

I was hesitant should I tell Nick what I just saw between Tessa and Chance.

E: Oh well... Chessa is real.

I walked away up to Jake and I's room to get my snowboarding gear. I looked back to see Nick. His faced looked puzzled. I still can't believe it. Wait till I tell Jake.

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