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Today was the day. I woke up early due to the fact I was excited. I walked into the kitchen and found only Dani was awake. I thought about letting her know my secret. She was really cute and I thought she would like to hear the news. She also loves Erika and my relationship.
J: Hey Dani.
D: Oh hi Jake.
J: I'm surprised your awake.
D: Yeah I always wake up early, but why are you up so early?
J: Can I let you in on a secret?
D: Uh... yes.
J: First you have to promise you won't tell anyone especially Erika.
D: Okay why?
J: Well for the past month I have planning to propose to Erika.
Dani's eyes got wide and she smiled then she covered her mouth. She was completely shocked.
D: Seriously?
J: Seriously.
D: No way.
J: The reason I told you this is because I wanted to get your blessing.
I laughed while saying this because she's only 10.
D: Yes Yes Yes!
J: Okay well thanks. I'm proposing to her later today at this barn place. Just the two of us.
D: Good luck!
J: Thanks Dani.
I laughed and sat at the kitchen table. I had already asked Erika's parents for there blessing a while ago on the phone. If course they said yes. Now all I had to do was wait for Erika to wake up.

I woke up to the sight of no Jake
next to me and sounds of people in the kitchen. I moved slowly down the hall, down the stairs, and into the kitchen. Everyone was already awake. My mom came up to me and hugged me good morning. I saw Jake talking to my brother at the kitchen table. I snuck up behind him and wrapped me arms around his neck and kissed his cheek.
J: Guess who decided to wake up.
E: Hi!
J: Morning.
I ate breakfast then went back up to my room and found Jake dressed and sitting on the bed on his phone. This could be me but Jake seemed like he was dressed up nicer than usual.
E: Why are you dressed so nice?
J: Because I have a surprise for you today.
E: Again? Do I have to dress up.
J: If you want.
E: Okay. When do we leave?
J: In like 2 hours.
E: Alright and is it just the 2 of us or...
J: Yep just us.
E: You honestly do to much for me.
J: It's just because I love you.
I pecked his lips and started to find an outfit. I ended up wearing a black and white striped dress, black gladiator sandals, and put my hair up into a bun. I did my makeup and soon enough Jake and I were out the door and into the car.
J: Okay before we start driving I need you to put this on.
Jake handed me a blindfold. I was confused.
E: Why?
J: Just trust me.
Jake smiled and I put the blindfold on.
We drove for awhile until we stopped.
J: Okay babe we're here but keep your blindfold on.
E: Okay...

We drove and I had Erika put a blindfold on. I didn't want her to see anything. How this was going to work was I was going to lead her down a path where a barn was. Fairy lights were surrounding the barn and it looked awesome. Thanks to Erika's parents. I had the ring in my pocket and I was going to bend down and have Erika take her blindfold off and see me. Then I would ask her the question. This was it my heart was beating a million miles a minute. I took her hand in mine down the long path. We were outside of the barn in a field of plants. It looked perfect.
E: Jake where are we?
J: Just wait... when I tell you to take off your blindfold do so. Okay?
E: Okay.
I was so nervous and I was also excited. But what if she said no? I didn't want to think about that but I feel like those thoughts always go through head in this situation. I grabbed the ring box out of my pocket and bent down on one knee. I opened the ring box and this was it. The moment I was waiting for.
J: Okay Erika, take the blindfold off.

Jake led me down a long path with my blindfold still on.
E: Jake where are we?
J: Just wait... when I tell you to take off your blindfold do so. Okay?
E: Okay.
I was nervous. I took a couple seconds until Jake was ready.
J: Okay Erika, take the blindfold off.
I took my blindfold and immediately tears filled my eyes. I stood there in shock. Jake was on one knee holding a ring box. Jake started to speak.
J: Erika Costell from the day I met you Ioved you. From you hair, clothes, beauty, and your personality. You have such a blessing in my life. I wouldn't know where I would be today without you. Though we have bumps in the road we always get through them and conquer together. Erika I love you so much I can't explain. I love you more than you know. So would you, Erika Costell marry me?
I stood there in shock looking down at Jake. I couldn't believe this. I smiled down at him and tears streamed down my face.
E: Yes Jake I will marry you a million times yes.
Jake slid the ring on my finger and stood up. I leaned in and kissed him. It was a long passionate romantic kiss. We detached and I hugged him. Tears streamed down my face harder and harder. He detached from me and moved my face with his thumb so I was staring into his eyes.
E: I can't believe you did this for me.
J: Of course. I love you so much Erika.
E: Forever and always.
We kissed again and walked back towards the car. I still couldn't believe this.
E: Have you planning this, this whole time?
J: Yeah for about a month now. That's why I was with Tessa so much. She was helping me plan this all out. That's why we came all the way to Nashville.
E: Oh gosh I need to call her when I get home and thank her. But first...
I stopped taking and kissed him once again. Our lips moved in perfect sync and it soon turned into a make out. Before we got any farther I stopped and held Jake's hand and got into the car. We started to drive home and I couldn't stop smiling. I was going to marry the love of my life. Wow.
J: Now all we have to do is tell your parents.
I turned my head and looked at Jake.
E: Yep.

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