Tessa's Gone P.5

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I was woken up by a sudden shake. I tugged at the blankets thinking nothing of it when a light shined on my face.

J: Yo, what the heck?

I looked up.

J: Chance? Why are you in here.

C: Bro you need to see this.

I sat up and stared at Chance trying not to wake up Erika. Chance passed me his phone and looked at me while I looked at what he was trying to show me. He explained when he saw the text messages and at first he thought it was Tessa but then he thought it was someone else.

J: Chance it's probably just some hacker trying to mess with you.

C: Jake I really don't think so.

J: And why do you think that?

C: There's just a way the person was saying those things to me that made me think I know this person. 

J: Fine. 

I started to move off the bed when Erika moved in her sleep and her eyes fluttered open. 

E: Yo what's going on?

You could tell she was still half asleep as she talked.

J: Nothing babe just go back to sleep.

I proceeded to kiss her forehead when she blocked me and moved her head.

E: No Jake I want to know what's going on. Is it about Tessa?

C: We aren't sure yet.

Chance and I then explained to her what had been going on. We turned the lights on in my room even though it was only like 4:00 in the morning. We all sat on my bed talking and looking over the texts.

E: Okay I know this sounds crazy but like what if Alissa is texting you.

J: Um... Erika are you sure you aren't losing it.

She slapped my arm.

E: I'm serious Jake.

C: Okay, assume it was Alissa how would she have my number. I never gave it to her.

E: True but people can always hack or even find your phone number online. Especially if you're pretty famous. Think of all the things she did to me. She kidnapped me. Maybe she kidnapped Tessa to try and make us find her. She knew that Jake would help find her and she would try and get back Jake. That's the only reason she kidnapped me. To try and get Jake back.

J: Rik this is starting to make a lot of sense. 

E: I told you I was smart and not out of my mind.

J: No I always knew that.

I started leaning in to kiss Erika.

C: Please, get a room!

I smiled and pecked Erika's lips. 

A/N: Hey guys! Sorry, it took me FOREVER to get this chapter out. I forgot to say this in the last chapter but sorry if it made anyone uncomfortable. Ik it was different for this story but I really thought the scene would go well with Alissa's character. Anyway hoped you enjoyed :)

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