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I was wrong Jake did show up after all. I showed him to my apartment. As we entered the room I could tell he was pretty shocked at how the room was so neat and organized. I like to clean it keeps me relaxed and calm.

A:  Please make yourself at home. Do you need anything?

J: No I'm fine thanks for asking.

A: No probs.

Jake sat down on the couch while I was getting a glass of water. He was looking through the enormous glass window showing all of LA. I loved that view. It makes you realize how small us humans are compared to the world. Deep thought I know. I drank my glass of water and set it in the dishwasher. I walked toward the couch and sat down. I hope this doesn't make Jake uncomfortable. 

A: The view is beautiful isn't it.

J: Um... yeah wow!

A: I'm really glad you trust me again.

J: Well I trusted you once I can trust you again right?

A: Yeah I guess.

I chuckled as I said that. I never thought in a million years he would trust me again. But I guess I was wrong about that too. There was still a thought spinning in my head. If I asked Jake what happened between Erika and him, would he tell the truth? Did Erika tell him what happened that night when I threatened her? I needed to know. 

A: Hey if you don't mind me asking... what happened between you and Erika.

J: Oh well we just weren't agreeing and we thought we just weren't right for each other.

 Thank God he doesn't know what really went down but I do know that he was lying about them disagreeing. I can understand why he wouldn't tell me the truth though. It's really not my business to ask anyway. Jake seemed shy about the subject.

A: Oh well I'm so sorry.

J: It's fine, anyway can we change the subject.

A: Sure.

I smiled signaling I cared. He smiled back. I decided to scoot closer to him. To take a risk. Surprisingly he didn't move further away. I focused closely on his eyes. His eyes were gorgeous. He looked into mine. This felt like hours even though it was only seconds. I needed to tell him my true feelings for him. This was the perfect moment.

A: Jake can I be honest with you?

J: Of course.

A: Okay... well ever since I met you I've always liked you like, like like you.

I chuckled.

J: Can I be honest with you?

A: Yeah.

J: I feel the same way.

Jake moved his head closer to mine. His forehead now touching mine. I smiled knowing what was about to happen. He leaned in kissing me. It was a passionate kiss. Slow and soft. His hands wrapped around my waist. This was my time now. I have wanted this for so long I can't even remember where it all started. I began to go deeper into it. He wanted the same thing I wanted. Perfect timing. My hands began to wrap around his neck when my apartment door swung open with a thud. What the heck?!?! Jake and I separated from each other. Both looking at the door. My eyes couldn't believe it. Erika was standing at the door. She looked at both me and Jake with sadness in her eyes. While I looked at her with anger in my eyes.

A/N: Hey sorry to say there will not be a chapter update tmrw. Due to Christmas. I will try to upload another chapter as soon as I can after Christmas. Remeber to comment what you guys think so far. And I hope all of you have an awesome Christmas/Holiday break. Luv you all!!!

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