Tears and questions

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I woke up to the site of Tessa next to me and my arm around her waist. Oh shoot I must have fell asleep while we were talking. Erika must be freaked out. I ran out of the room and into Erika and I's. I walked over to the bed and Erika wasn't there. What? Maybe she was in the bathroom. I waited but she never came out of the bathroom and she wasn't in the closet. I walked into the bathroom checking to make sure she wasn't in there. When I saw her. She was laying on the ground surrounded by pieces of broken glass. I started to cry when I saw her. I bent down and focused on her face. It looked like she had been crying. Her face was red and puffy. I moved her hair out of her face and smiled seeing her beauty. Even though she looked terrible she still looked beautiful in my opinion. Tears spotted her face as they were falling from mine. I swept up the glass from the floor. I made sure Erika was still breathing then I laid down next to her and pulled her head down onto my chest. She didn't wake up. I stroked her hair and fell asleep wondering what happened.

A/N: So I know what your thinking. This is dark and why didn't Jake call the ambulance or help Erika? I wanted this to be different and more emotional because I thought it would add more relation to the story and the readers. Some of you may deal with depression or maybe have had experience with cheats or other things. So I just wanted to relate the theme of this chapter and Jake's feelings to hopefully some of yours Btw book is ending soon.

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