Aspen P.3

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As I was waiting in the lodge for Anthony and Chad to be ready my phone buzzed. I grabbed it out of my pocket and the phone light lit up my face. It was a text from Erika.

Rik❤️️: Hey, I'll be joining you guys in a couple mins. If that's okay?

J: Of course! See you in 10.

I locked my phone and put it back in my backpack. Anthony and Chad soon came back.

J: You guys can head towards the mountain. Erika is coming so I'm going to wait for her.

A & C: Okay, see ya!

J: Bye.

I sat back down and waited for Erika. Meanwhile, I grabbed my vlog camera out of my backpack and turned it on.

J: Good Morning Jake Paulers! How are ya'll doing? I hope your Gucci! If you haven't done so yet make sure you subscribe to the most lit channel on YouTube. FACT! Right now we are in Aspen and I was with Anthony and Chad but now Erika is going to join us. So I decided I would wait for her. #Jerika am I right.

I winked at the camera laughing in my head.

J: Well I will see you guys in just a minute once I get to the mountain with Erika.

I turned off the camera and put the camera back in my backpack. So many people were staring at me I just laughed. This why I loved my job. I could be myself and just laugh at the world. I didn't care if people stared. I looked around to see if Erika was heading towards the lodge. Nope guess I'm going to have to wait. Suddenly the door opened and I tilted my head Erika walked in. Thank God I was getting impatient. She looked anxious. She ran over to me and sat down.

J: Yo Erika, are you okay? You look very anxious.

E: Yeah... um... well you are never going to believe what I saw back at the cabin.

J: What you know you can tell me.

E: I know.

J: Okay... then what is it?

E: Well you know how I was trying to find Tessa?

J: Yeah.

E: Well I found her and she was in Chances room... and they started to make out.

J: What? Are you sure you're not pranking me?

E: Yeah I swear... there's more. It started to get more heated and then Tessa started walking towards the door and then she closed it. I luckily escaped to the other side of the hall until she saw me. I was stunned.

J: What should we do? Should we confront them?

E: No I think we should let them decide what they want to do. We shouldn't put pressure on their relationship. Do you know what I mean?

J: I get it. I just never expected them together.

E: I know it's weird... yet cute.

J: I guess.

Erika stood up and smiled. Her smile made me smile. I don't know I was so tense about Chance and Tessa. I'll just have to get used to it. I walked out of the lodge and felt the cool winter breeze hit my face. Erika trailed behind me. 

E: Bet you I can beat you down that hill.

She pointed to a fairly large hill.

J: Hm... you really think so?

E: I know so.

Erika started running towards the mountain reassuring she would get to the mountain first. Unfortunately for her I ran up to her and picked her up. She screamed and laughed. We ended up tumbling down on a pile of snow. I smiled at Erika thinking in my head. Why was Erika so perfect?

I may take a break from WattPad for a little while. Due to personal things that have been going on recently. This isn't certain but I have been thinking about it. I promise that I will come back though.

JERIKAWhere stories live. Discover now