Back at Team 10

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Jake and I had just finished packing up my things and drove back to the Team 10 house. It was finally the day where I can relax and not have to worry about Alissa trying to steal Jake. I still couldn't remember who that nurse was. It was so weird she looked so familiar. I pointed the nurse out to Jake before we left and he didn't know who she was either. I just ignored it. Now that Jake and I can be alone as a couple I'm hoping we can go on an actual date. Not one where Jake came and bring me food to the hospital. An actual one like going to the movies, eating out together, chilling at home cuddling watching tv, something along those lines. I was in the passenger seat of Jakes new truck when we pulled up on the driveway. I was on my phone looking at Instagram when I got a text from Jake.

Jake❤️️😍: So I was thinking...

Erika: What were you thinking?

Jake❤️️😍: Would you Erika Costell go on an official first date with me?

Erika: You do know I'm sitting right next to you in the car right? lol

Jake❤️️😍: Yes I am aware. Is that a no?

Erika: Of course I will go out with you.

Jake❤️️😍:  Meet me at the bottom of the stairs at 6:30

Erika: Alright. But is this supposed casual or dressy?

Jake❤️️😍: Dressy.😉

Erika: Okay...

We got out of the car and walked into the house. Jake opened the door for me and I smiled at him he smiled at me. Jake and I walked into the house and I quickly kissed him and we went our separate ways. I called my Best friend Andi (Andi is a girl) because I had no idea what to wear. This is going to be a long night.

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