Tessa's Gone P.4

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Thoughts ran through my mind thinking how all of this could go wrong. Running through the dark Allies hoping I wouldn't get caught. Hoping she wouldn't hear me. 

24 hours earlier...

My eyes fluttered open. What happened? My body was limp lying on the ground. I was still in my frayed short dress but now I had a black hoodie on. Where was I now? I struggled to get my body to sit upright. My whole body was sore and scraped with purple, yellow bruises. I looked around to see no one. Seriously what is happening? My head was spinning in circles. Oh my gosh. 


I yelled so loud my voice cracked and tears started to stream down my scarred face. The person in my mind became unblurry. Anthony. How could he? I now remembered him saying he was going to leave early from the party. I didn't think anything of it at the time but now I know why. I now remember seeing him in front of me before I passed out. I hugged my knees and buried my head in them. I then suddenly heard footsteps. Lord, please let it be Chance. I looked up and I swear I thought I was going to throw up. Alissa was standing smirking looking down at me. How did she have anything to do with this.

A: Well look who decided to wake up.

T: Why the heck are you here?

A: What you don't want me to join your little pity party.

T: Why am I here?

A: Well I already tried taking Erika but clearly that didn't work so I thought if I took you I could get her and Jake to come find you. I would then convince Jake he made a mistake and then either kill or kidnap Erika. Still haven't decided yet.

T: Is Anthony working with you?

A: Why did he try and hurt you?

T: Yes and I'm assuming you have something to do with it.

Alissa then proceeded to move closer to me. She sat down next to me. But uncomfortably close to me.

A: If you must know Anthony has been working with me for the past couple months.

T: He wouldn't...

A: Oh but honey he did and he loves it. He loves me.

T: But why would you be together if you want Jake?

A: You don't need to know every detail, Tessa. Just try and enjoy the time you have.

Alissa then moved my hair off my cheek. I tried swatting her away but she didn't budge. She scooched herself even closer to me now and I could feel her breath against my neck. She pushed me down to the ground roughly. She then positioned herself on top of me. She then kissed my cheek and I tried moving my body but she had me pinned. She then proceeded to kiss my neck and down my body. I still did have my clothes on though.


A: Just shut up and enjoy.

At this point, she was still on top of me back to kissing my neck. Me squirming trying to get away. She then moved both her legs to one side. This was my chance. I pushed her off of me and struggled to stand up before she could get back to me. I ran as fast as my sore bruised legs could take me. I ended up following a path of dark allies. Thoughts raced through my mind as my legs raced down the dark allies hoping Alissa hadn't chased after me. I looked behind me to see no one. I then stopped to catch my breath. I started running again until I found an exit where trains must pass through. I burst through the door to see the beautiful cold outside. My lungs breathed in the sweet air. I walked over to the nearest tree. My stepping was now becoming loose and wobbly. I collapsed to the ground without reaching the tree. My breath being taken away from me.

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