Movie Night

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Erika and I went to a late lunch and headed back to the house. I still couldn't believe she thought I was cheating on her. To be honest I was a little pissed that she thought I would do that to her. I should really just let it go and forget it. We were driving back home and the car ride was silent. Erika then put her hand on my thigh and looked up at me. I looked up at her.
E: I love you Jake.
J: I love you too babe.
I would have kissed her but I was driving. Plus I would rather not die. We got back to the house and it was later in the evening so I suggested we chill and watch a movie.
J: Hey babe do you want to watch a movie up in our room or something?
She had sat down in the kitchen and was looking down at her phone.
E: Sure!
Erika and I headed up to our room and laid down on the bed and cuddled. We decided to watch "It" and a couple times Erika jumped and I held her closer to me. I soon looked over to her passed out in my arms. I turned off the TV and got comfortable. I soon doze off into sleep dreaming.

After I had taken my bath Jake and I went out for our late lunch, and were now headed back to the house. The drive was quiet and I could tell Jake was a bit tense. I think he was a little pissed how I thought he was cheating on me. I didn't blame him though and didn't ask him about it. I put my hand on his thigh and looked up at him. He looked up at me.
E: I love you Jake.
J: I love you too babe.
We got to the house and I went into the kitchen and sat down. I was in my phone when Jake came into the room.
J: Hey babe do you want to watch a movie up in our room or something?
I thought about it for a second then responded.
Jake and I both headed to our room and laid down on the bed. Jake decided that we should watch "It" and I agreed. There was a couple times when I got scared and jumped. Each time Jake just held me closer to him making me feel protected. I soon drifted to a heavy sleep dreaming a million things.

A/N: I just wanted to say this book is ending soon. So if y'all want me to do a sequel comment. PEACE ✌️

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