Aspen P.1

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The next morning...


I woke up to the sound of Erika's soft voice. My flutter my eyes open. Erika's face was right in front of mine. 

E: Good morning babe.

J: Morning

My voice was raspy due to the fact I just was woken up.

E: Are you ready to go to Aspen?

J: Huh... what do you mean?

E: Surprise!

She sat down on the bed and hugged me.

J: Wait I'm still confused.

E: Team 10 wanted to surprise you for your birthday. So we decided to go to Aspen.

J: Oh okay. Thanks, babe.

E: Anything for you. Alright, we need to get you packed so we can leave as soon as possible.

J: Alright.

We both got out of my bed and walked over to my closet. Erika helped me pack my bag and we soon headed back downstairs. Everyone was already down there waiting for Erika and I. I soon was surrounded by everyone telling me happy birthday and talking about how they were super excited to get to Aspen. We were going to drive to Aspen so it was going to be a pretty long drive. I was super stoked to get there. I had no idea. Everyone piled into the Team 10 van as we started the long trek towards Aspen.


It was Jake's 21st birthday today. Team 10 and I have been planning to surprise him by going to Aspen. I was going to wake him up and tell him. It was only 3:00 am due to the fact that we were driving to Aspen. So the drive would be pretty long. I walked into Jake's room, my face pointing down at his. 

E: Jake wake up

I whispered. Jake's eyes fluttered open.

E: Good morning babe.

J: Morning

Jake's voice was really rasping it was so cute.

E: Are you ready to go to Aspen?

J: Huh... what do you mean?

E: Surprise!

She sat down on the bed and hugged me.

J: Wait I'm still confused.

E: Team 10 wanted to surprise you for your birthday. So we decided to go to Aspen.

J: Oh okay. Thanks, babe.

E: Anything for you. Alright, we need to get you packed so we can leave as soon as possible.

J: Alright.

Jake got out of his bed and I followed him to his closet. I helped him pack and we both headed downstairs. Soon enough everyone was flooded around us telling Jake happy birthday and talking about the trip. Everyone headed out the door and we piled into the Team 10 van. We had a really long drive to Aspen. And trust me I was not excited. Jake and I got into the back as I laid my head on his shoulder. My eyes felt heavy and I soon drifted into a deep sleep.

Hey! This chapter was SUPER late. School has been super crazy and stressful. Plus some other things. Sorry for such a long wait. Comment and tell me what you guys thought. And in case you didn't catch on this chapter is in honor of Jake's bday. He has honestly changed my life and taught me so much. And I am so grateful. So happy late bday. Annnyways... I'll see ya when I see ya. PEACE!!!!

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