That Night

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Erika never showed up that night. I waited until 2 am. I walked home that night trying to clear my mind. Where was she? What happened? Why didn't Erika show up? Did something happen to her? I had come up the driveway to the house. I opened the door and shut it quietly in case Erika was asleep. I walked over to her room and tried opening the door it was locked. I went into the kitchen and grabbed a knife (a butter knife) I walked back and used the knife to open the door. I opened it slightly peering in. I walked in letting me get a better view of the room. I set the knife on the night table. Erika was sleeping on the floor. Her face was red and her makeup smeared down her face. Her cheeks were flushed and she looked miserable. I kneeled down beside her and picked her up bridal style. I kissed her forehead and laid her down on her bed. Tears welled in my eyes. What if Erika didn't want me? Would I have to be alone or worse find another girl? I walked away and closed the door. I ran up the stairs and went into my room. I shut the door and slid my back against the wall until I was sitting on the floor. What happened?


I fell asleep on the floor when I felt a pair of arms lift me off the ground and into my bed. It could only be Jake. I was awake but I knew I couldn't open my eyes and look at him. I would just start balling my eyes out again. I stayed still and left my eyes closed trying not to cry. He kissed my forehead. I heard him walk away and walk up the stairs. His door soon slammed shut. Why Alissa what is wrong with you. I already missed Jake so much. I just wanted to feel him next to me again. But I knew that wouldn't be possible. More like Impossible. My eyes fluttered open and tears streamed down my face. I whispered without anyone hearing.

E: Jake I love you Forever and Always.

OMG guys thx so much for 1K reads you have no idea how much this means to me. I couldn't do it without you. LOVE YOU!

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