Family Reunion and Eagerness

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We made it to our gate and waited there a couple minutes before we could actually board the plane. I still couldn't believe Jake and I were going to Nashville. A couple of times in the last 3 months I have been mentioning my family and how I miss them and Nashville a lot. He must have noticed and planned this for me. I began to think and came to the conclusion that Tessa must have been helping Jake plan this and that's why they were always together. Jake was honestly the best boyfriend ever. I still couldn't believe he did all of this for me. We got onto the plane and I slept the whole 6 hours to Nashville. (This is just a guess of how long it would take.) Jake had to wake me up and we were soon in my moms car going back to my home away from home. Jake had already met my whole family and was pretty close with them which was good. The whole car ride I couldn't stop ranting to my mom about how Jake surprised me here and all that. She smiled at Jake and I and we caught up on life. Soon enough we were at my house and I was ready to surprise my younger sister like I always did. It's kind of like a tradition now.

All Erika could talk about was how she was so surprised and how she didn't even expect it coming. Erika was so happy and I loved seeing her like that. She glowed with positivity. We got to her house and Erika was going to surprise her little sister Dani like she always does when she comes back home. It was so cute to see them so close even though they are apart for a lot of there life. Her and her family caught up on things in life while I just talked and hung out with everyone. I couldn't wait to propose to Erika. I was so eager. Tessa and I planned that I would propose to her the day after we arrived in Nashville. Which would be tomorrow. This would give us enough time to tell her family and celebrate since were only there for 5 days. I was so pumped. It soon got later into the evening and Erika and I decided we would go to sleep. I could hardly contain my excitement for what was about to go down tomorrow.

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