Beach day P.1

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A/N: So after waiting it looks like you guys wanted to focus on Jerika so here you go.I came up with this idea a while ago and I've really wanted to write it. There will only be 2 parts to this and no drama I promise just full on Jerika. I'm thinking that you guys will really like this. So enjoy :)


Fast forward to after they find Tessa...

It's been a couple weeks after we found Tessa. We had gotten a call from a hospital in New York. It turns out she had been passed out on the ground in the middle of central park. They had gathered some of her information and found the house phone number. They called us and Chance decided he would fly over there to see her. The rest of Team 10 including Jake and I came back to the Team 10 house. I was so glad to be back and I could finally relax. I was in the kitchen making myself some lunch when I felt a pair of arms rap around my waist. I then felt the persons lips kiss my head.
E: Hey Jake.
J: Hey baby.
Jake spun me around so I was facing him. His arms were still around my waist.
J: Whatcha up to?
E: Just making myself some lunch.
J: Mhmm...
E: What?
J: What do you mean "what?"
He held up air quotes as he mocked me.
E: You seem like you know something.
J: Well the only thing that I know is that we are going to the beach.
E: Today?
J: Yeah today.
E: Well you better start telling the rest of the crew so they can get ready.
J: Actually... it is just going to be the 2 if us.
E: Oh really?
I smirked putting my arms around his neck.
J: Yeah I was thinking we would leave close to 5:00-5:30.
E: Okay I'm down.
J: Good.
I laughed and we both smiled. He leaned in and we kissed. Our lips moved perfectly in sync. Without breaking the kiss Jake proceeded to lift me onto the kitchen island so I was sitting. I kissed him then stopped.
J: Hey!?!
E: Lets save this for later.
I smirked and got off the island. I walked past Jake to go up to our room so I could get ready. I turned my head and smiled at him while he stared at me blankly, still mad about me stopping him from kissing me. I turned my head facing the hallway and laughed. I walked up the stairs and got into our room.

JERIKAWhere stories live. Discover now