Hospital P.2

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I felt a sudden jolt it hurt. I screamed.

What happened? Where the frick am I? Where's Jake? I needed to get to him. I tried moving and sitting up when a sudden rush of pain went up to my leg then my head. Doctors were flooding the room cheering and clapping. Faces filled with smiles. Was Jake in that crowd? I had a sudden memory of Jake saying things. To me. 

Flash Back...

J: Hey Erika. Listen I know you can't see me but you can hear me so I wanted to say a few things.

Tears welled in my eyes.

J: First of all I would never date Alissa. She was only a friend at the time. I've always had feelings for you. Since I met you. You are everything I've wanted. Beautiful, courageous, kind, strong, and my best friend. I know I shouldn't have started beating Alissa it was wrong of me. I shouldn't have done that. I was just mad at her she shouldn't have put you through that torcher. I love you Erika Costell. Forever and Always.

Tears were falling down my face onto the bed. Erika stayed silent unmoved. I stayed silent in my own thoughts crying to myself.

J: Please wake up Erika. I need you.

End of Flashback...

Jake. I loved him. Tears filled my eyes. I should have listened to him. I wouldn't even be in this situation if I would've listened to him. I loved Jake Paul. I need to tell him. The door swung open. Jake!

Nurse: Hello sweetheart.

Oh, it was a nurse. She seemed nice at least. But she looked familiar. Who was that?

N: Listen you need to lay back down. Your body is tired and sick. Just get some rest and stay calm.

E: Okay thank you. By the way, do I know you?

N: Oh honey I don't know who you are. I must look like someone you know.

With that, she left. I laid back down drowning in my thoughts. My eyes soon felt tired. I closed them and drifted to sleep.


I couldn't believe I was about to see Erika alive and awake. For the first time in like a week. I can't wait. Please don't mess things up, Jake. I walked in. Erika was silently sleeping she looked a little better but not super healthy. She was beautiful. I couldn't wait till she woke up. I walked over to the bed and laid by her. I was on my phone when I heard the sheets rustle. I turned to see Erika facing me. I smiled.

J: Erika.

E: Jake.

J: I missed you so much.

E: Jake... I love you.

J: I love you too Rick.

Erika leaned in closer and now was inches away from my face. I kissed her. It felt so right. She was finally mine.


I woke up to see Jake laying next to me. I smiled. He was on his phone when I turned to look at him. He looked at me and smiled. God, I missed that.

J: Erika.

E: Jake.

J: I missed you so much.

E: Jake... I love you.

J: I love you too Rick.

I leaned in closer to him. My face was now inches from mine. He looked at me in my eyes. As so did I. He leaned in and kissed me. I kissed him back. It felt so right. It was perfect. I loved Jake Paul. I pulled away.

E: I know I already said this but... I love you. 

J: Forever and Always.

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