Beach Day P.2

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Everyone was now back at the Team 10 house. Chance had decided to fly over to New York to visit Tessa after they found her passed out in Central Park. It was nice to be able to relax and focus on something else rather than finding Tessa. Don't get me wrong I wanted to find her but the whole thing was just stressful. I've been thinking about Erika on a date or somewhere where we can just hang out and chill. Together. Before Tessa was found we didn't really have that much time to hang out together. This was my chance. I walked down the long staircase and saw her in the kitchen. I walked to her from behind and wrapped my arms around her waist. She didn't say anything. I then kissed her head to try and get a response out of her.

E: Hey Jake.


J: Hey baby.

I spun Erika around so she was facing me. My hands were still around her waist.

Fast forward to after Jake explains they are going to the beach...

Erika had moved her hands to my neck. It sent me chills down my spine. Holy crap I wanted to kiss her so bad. She smiled at me and I leaned in. Our lips moved in sync for awhile until I told her to jump and set her on the kitchen counter. We continued to kiss when she stopped.

J: Hey!?!
E: Let's save this for later.

She smirked and walked away. I was still annoyed that she had stopped me. As she was walking she turned her head around to look at me. She smiled while I looked at her with an upset face. But I was still really excited that we could on a date since Aspen.


I had walked into Jake and I's room and started searching for a swimsuit. I soon found a blue bikini and put shorts and a shirt over it. It was already 4:45 by the time I was finished packing. I heard the door open and Jake entered the room. I walked over to him with my phone and a water bottle.

E: Can put this stuff in your Backpack.

J: Course!

I put the rest of my things in Jake's backpack and we headed downstairs. Jake grabbed my hand and we headed out the door and into my jeep. He was driving so I got over to the passenger seat. I plugged my phone into the aux cord and played my summer playlist as we drove towards the beach. After about 15 minutes the car was parked and we started walking through the sand to try and find a spot. Jake pointed out a spot near the ocean and we headed over there. I set my towel on the hot sand and took my clothes off revealing me in my swimsuit. Jake started to stare.

E: You might want to stop staring before I push you in the water.

J: Oh okay. I was going to go in the water anyway.

E: Well I am staying here and relaxing.

J: K. I'll be in the water then.

Jake ran off towards the water while I lay down on my towel hoping to get a tan. I first laid on my stomach to try and get my backside tan. Eventually Jake came running back over to me while I was reading a book. At first I didn't notice him until I felt water droplets falling onto my body. I looked up at him and he smiled. He looked like he was up to something.

J: So are you going to join me in the water or am I going to have to carry you out there.

E: You're not being serious.

I chuckled.

J: Oh I am.

He then picked me up and threw my body over his shoulders. I started screaming at him which caused everyone to stare at us.


Jake just laughed and I couldn't help but start laughing at how ridiculous we looked. He ran into the water and with that water splashed everywhere. He situated my body so now he was carrying me bridal style. He then dunked me underwater so I was soaking wet. After he set me down so I was standing. I splashed Jake with water playfully and made my face look mad yet I still smiled at him.

J: Sorry babe but it was the only way I was going to get you in the water with me.

E: It really wasn't the only way.

I stretched out the o in only letting him know I was being sarcastic. Jake just laughed and we kissed. It was a deep romantic kiss. I then remembered why I fell in love with Jake. He was an amazing, talented, handsome, kind, loving, humorous human being. I couldn't be more grateful.

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