Tessa's Gone P.2

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A/N: This is going to be in Chance's POV it will be different but I thought it would be a good detail to the story. 


Anthony. I remember him telling me last night at the club. He looked at me and pulled me aside from the crowd. 

C: Hey bro what's up?

A: Oh I just wanted to say I'm going to start heading back to the lodge.

C: Why it's not even that late.

A: Well I wanted to get some things done yesterday and I didn't want to be all tired. You know?

C: Yeah bro I got you. Well, see ya later than... I guess.

A: Yep bye.

Anthony then walked away and said goodbye to everyone else. He walked out the door and then I never saw him again... that night. The next morning he was there but it still doesn't keep me from thinking... 


The blood on my neck and back have dried to my now destroyed dress. I swear it was permanently stuck to me.  My hands were tied to the back of my chair and now swelled and scratched from the rope. It was dark and I thought I was going to pass out. It was cold and no one was around me or anywhere. I don't know where I am and Team 10 who knows where they are. I don't even know if they know I'm missing. My mind suddenly did a whole flip-flop (or at least it felt like that) I then remembered what happened. Why I'm here. I remember walking around outside with Chance after celebrating with Jake. Hand in hand I was so happy. Chance had offered to take me back to the house but I wanted to chill and relax. Drive by myself. Now realizing how stupid that decision was. I remember opening the car door then falling to the ground. Someone was standing in front of me. I could see blood gushing from somewhere on me before I passed out. Now I'm here. The person was blurry in my mind. Who the heck pushed me to the ground and why? I tried concentrating but nothing. I felt a hard pound on my head and shocks were sent down my spine and legs. My mind spun and the person became blurry. It was... 

my body fell forward and I went limp.

Short chapter.

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