Alissa's Story

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I can't believe I would finally be able to have Jake. Now that Erika is out of the picture I can ask him out. For now, I will stay calm and hang out with him, like friends. But once we get closer I will ask him. I just don't want him to think I'm a freak for asking him right away, so I just wanted to get closer to him before I asked. It made the most sense. When I called him I lied. About everything... well almost everything. I was still sane, I never got help, and I was most definitely lying about how I cared about Erika. I wanted her to die in a hole screaming without anyone hearing her suffer. Jake said he'd meet me at my place in 10. That at least gave me enough time to get ready. I put on some black ripped jeans, a white t-shirt, gray sweatshirt, and grabbed my leather jacket and headed out my apartment to wait for Jake in the lobby. I couldn't wait to see him again, after all, I thought I never would. I stood my back against the wall on my phone waiting for Jake to come through the glass doors of the lobby. My heart was beating faster and faster... What if he never showed up, what if he changed my mind and left me here alone waiting for no one? Just like my parents did. My childhood was complicated. I usually don't like talking about it. My mom didn't plan me. Let's just say I was unexpected. I was born and my mom didn't want me. But she didn't want me to be raised by rude snobby rich people that could've adopted me. My mom argued a lot with the court to keep me. When I was 5 she got a boyfriend. I hated him. He always smelled of smoke and alcohol. He only wanted my mom for sex. I didn't really care though. I hated my mom. She didn't care for me one so ever. I ran away from home a lot. But somehow my mom would find me and drag me back home. She abused me. I just ignored it. I wanted to kill myself I almost did but my mom found me right before. When I was 13 I ran away from home officially and lived with my best friend Sloane Skylar. She was awesome we did a bunch of crazy stuff together. We snuck into clubs a couple of times and got drunk. Probably one of the highlights of my life. We smoked together, had boys coming up to us letting them do whatever they wanted to us. I was loving life. Then when I finally turned 17 Sloane left me. She moved to Vegas with her always drunk cheating boyfriend. I was now left alone again. I was unhealthy, broke, and lonely. I needed help. My life was falling apart. Into millions of pieces. I was 18 years old at that time. I decided I should pick myself up and get my life together. I got a job in Ohio until I had saved up enough money to move to LA. Which believe me that took forever. I moved to LA (alone) and got an apartment, plus I found a paying job which helped a lot. Only then did I realize I wanted to do YouTube. I worked hard long hours until I was able to take a break from my work and focus on creating a channel. I was able to post a video for the first time after 2 weeks of setting everything else. I wasn't new to the social media I had done Vine before but even then I wasn't very popular. I wanted to be big. I had a couple few 100 subscribers. But I want more than that. I saw a couple days later a thing about Team 10. A group of young teens trying to get big. That was my solution to getting big. Ever since I was young I always knew there was something different about me. I felt crazy inside especially when I got stressed or overwhelmed. I never got or wanted help. I thought I could control myself but clearly, I was wrong. After many meetings and coffee ''dates'' with Erika I was signed. Then I was resigned. I was stuck I lost a couple subscribers. But mainly I lost the only friends I ever had in LA. But now I'm here. About to see Jake again. I heard the doors of the lobby swing open I looked...OH MY GOD!!!!!

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