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A/N: This is very important so please make sure you read through this all. So for the past couple chapters I have worried that some of you guys have lost interest. So the reason I am saying this is to ask you guys, would you like me to continue with the "Tessa's Gone" miniseries or would you like me to skip past all of that and have the book place back to the Team 10 house and focus more on Jerika? I have been thinking about this for awhile and I want this book to be as best that I can make it but also be proud of it. So PLEASE comment down below your opinion. This is SUPER important to me so please state your opinion. If you are worried about hurting my feelings or anything like that I can honestly say that my feelings will not get hurt. So please feel free to state what you think down below. If it happens to be a tie of some sort I will just end up choosing at the end. Thx so much have an AMAZING DAY and I will see ya when I see ya! PEACE ✌️

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