A Second Chance

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Erika and I got home from the beach around 8:20 ish. We were both tired so we decided to head to bed and just chill. We both got into our bed and she laid her head on my chest while she scrolled through her phone.  I did the same and took a picture of her and posted it on my Snapchat story. I started to think about the night when I was planning to surprise Erika. But then she never showed up and ended up giving in to Alissa and her crap. I remember I was going to propose. I haven't thought about that until now. Would she have said Yes? Was it too early to ask her? I looked down at Erika who was looking through Instagram and I smiled thinking of the fun we had tonight and in the past. This could be my second chance to ask her to be fully committed to me. To us. I was only assuming in my head that she would say yes but who really knows until it happens. I was ready. But was she?


Jake and I had gotten home from the beach and now were laying in his bed both on our phones. I had so much fun at the beach with Jake. He is my everything. I really don't know how I would do it without him. I was scrolling through Instagram when I started thinking. The night when Alissa threatened to kill me if I stayed with Jake. I fell for her crap and let Jake slip away for some time. I was glad I had him back. I thought about how Jake had planned a really mysterious night for me and him that night. Before Alissa ruined me. What was Jake planning? When Jake had originally told me to be at the bottom of the stairs that night I was thinking that what if he was going to propose to me. He seemed that this was a really important and special night. If he was he never had the chance to now. Was he even going to ask me in the first place though? I knew that I was ready. But was he?

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