Tessa's Gone P.1

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After Jake comforted me I felt a lot better. We both rushed downstairs to try and see if we could find Tessa. We ran into Chance he looked scared and really worried. He was pacing back and forth talking to himself. Jake then proceeded to walk over to him. 

J: Hey, bro are you good?

C: No! Tessa is gone.

J: One question... why are you so worried about her? Like you guys aren't even dating. I knew that you guys were best friends but...

I winked over at Erika. She smiled back at me. We both knew that Chance and Tessa were dating. I was just trying to lighten the mood. Probably wasn't a good idea.

C: Well... just between you and I Tessa and I have been secretly dating.

E: Why would you keep it a secret?

C: I don't know we didn't want to make official until I guess we were sure we were really up for the relationship.

J: Okay, well we need to start looking so we have a chance to go look for her before it gets dark. Chance I say you go in the Truck by yourself and Erika and I  will go in the Tesla.

C: Okay, that will work.

Jake and I then headed towards the car. Chance headed the same way and went into Jakes white truck. Jake started the car and I tried tracking Tessa's phone. I was hoping by tracking her phone we could find her location. Her phone didn't show up on the map. I looked over at Jake. He was focused on the road. He then moved his hand and rested it on my thigh I grabbed his hand and squeezed it. Even though I didn't see him I could tell he was smiling.

J: Did you try texting her?

E: No but I tried tracking her phone to her location but, it didn't show up. I'm guessing her phone must have died or something.

J: Yeah... where should we look first? Like she could be anywhere.

E: I say we go check the club and go look around. You never know she could be there. I would honestly hope not but I mean it's possible.

J: True. I'm going to text Chance saying to meet us there so we can split up and check every angle of the place.

E: Good idea!

Jake grabbed his phone out of the cup holder once there was a red light so we could stop. (Don't text and drive kids!) He texted Chance then set his phone back down.

J: Chance said he'd be at the club in like 15 minutes. So we're going to get there first.

E: Okay.

J: We should be there in about 5-3 minutes.

E: Babe... you really think Tessa is okay?

I looked him the eyes my face blank. He looked over at me then looked back at the road and so on so forth.

J: I can only be honest with you. I don't know if she's okay but I really do hope she is.

I stared down at my feet for a moment. I then sighed and looked through the car window in my own thoughts. We soon were there. Jake parked the car and we both got out. I slowly walked with my head still down worried about Tessa. Jake must have noticed because I felt a pair of arms pulling me in for a hug. 

J: Everything's going to be fine.

Jake reasurres me. I soon felt calm and told him I would be okay. Before we went searching we waited for Chance to pull up. A couple minutes later he pulled up and walked over to us.

C: Yo.

J & E: Hi...

C: I kind of have to tell you something...

J: What?

C: Well... the night Tessa said she was going to drive by herself...

E: Yeah,

C: Well before we had all left someone had left earlier. And I'm worried Tessa might be with them.

Chance had tears welling in his eyes.

J: Well who was.

C: Um... it was-

A/N: HAHHAHAHAHAH got you on a cliffhanger. I'm really sorry for not updating in a LONG time. I said I was back but then I was gone for a long time. I was on spring break and was also trying to come up with ideas to tie this whole I guess mini-series in this book together. I know there have been so many parts to the Aspen mini-series so I thought I would finally start a fresh new one. School just started back up for me so I will absolutely try my hardest to update.

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