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I woke up suddenly too the sight of Jake looking down at me. I tried pulling the covers farther up my face to block the light but he stopped me.
E: Jakeeeee
J: Erika you need to wake up.
E: For what!?
Jake started laughing. He must think me being mad in the morning is funny. I would have to disagree.
J: Because we have to leave in 3 hours to get on a plane.
E: Where are we going?
J: The thing is I can't tell you that.
E: Ugh can I least have 5 more minutes?
I sounded like a little kid but I didn't care I just wanted to sleep.
J: Let me think um... nope.
Jake pulled me out of the bed by my waist and my body was tired that my body collapsed onto Jake's. My head rested on his shoulder. Jake kissed my head.
J: How bout I carry you to the closet.
E: Please?
Jake picked me up bridal style and walked toward the closet. He set me down on the floor and he had already set out mine and his suitcase. Where were we going? After an hour we finished packing and I was more awake. I took a shower and got dressed. I was going to be on a plane so I wanted to be comfortable. I was wearing black "PINK" leggings, a white t-shirt, one of Jakes oversized sweatshirts, and slides. While I was getting last minute things and eating a fast breakfast Jake got into the shower and later got dressed and ate. No one else was awake but Jake informed me he told everyone that we were going to be gone. Jake got an Uber and we headed towards the airport. Hand in hand we were sitting in the car in silence because we were still exhausted.
E: Can you please tell me where were going?
J: No because you are just going to find out at the airport to find out gate.
E: Ugh fine...
J: I can tell you this... you are going to be really happy. At least I think.
E: Well at least I got something.

After 20 minutes or so we got to the airport and we headed into the entrance. Hand in hand Erika and I soon made it through security without any problems and it was the time to have Erika know where were going. I was recording so I could get her reaction. It was hopefully going to be a good reaction. We walked over to the screen where it had the gate numbers and there specific locations. I had Erika close her eyes so I could capture everything. This was the start of a future for us. Hopefully.
J: Alright babe this is what you have been waiting for all morning. You ready?
E: Heck yeah!
J: Okay... here you go.
I uncovered my hand and she turned around to face the screen. We already knew our gate number so all she had to do was find that number and look over to see the location. It took her a minute or 2 to scan through the numbers on the screen but soon enough she found it and screamed.
She jumped onto me her legs wrapping her legs around my waist. It was unexpected but a good unexpected. I smiled and she kissed me. We separated our lips and she smiled at me. It was one of the most genuine smiles from her I've seen in awhile.
E: Were actually going to Nashville!?
J: Well that's what it said up there didn't it?
E: Oh my god babe. Thank you so much.
She pecked my lips once again and got down and was now standing. She hugged me and at this point I stopped recording and set my camera down. I hugged her back and we stayed like that for a couple minutes. Eventually people started to stare but I didn't care. I only cared that Erika was happy. We released from each other and I gathered my stuff I had dropped on the floor after Erika had jumped onto me.
E: I love you so much Jake.
J: Forever and always baby.
She hugged me once more and quickly detached herself.
J: Alright come on we don't want to be late for our flight.
After saying that we continued to walk and find our gate hand in hand.

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