Going Home

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After about a week and a half, I was finally able to go home. I was so excited. Now that Alissa left it was just me and Jake. I was able to walk around now and go places. But now I could finally leave this hospital forever (hopefully). I was sitting on the couch that was in my hospital room on my phone waiting for Jake to come and help me pack my things. We are officially a thing. Before I was in the hospital Jake decided to start vlogging. He had a YouTube channel but he only posted like once a month. Sadly because of everything that happened he had to take a break. But not anymore. We still haven't decided to tell everyone about especially on the internet. I would be worried about the hate. People can be so cruel. I got a text from Jake.

J: Hey be there in a couple mins babe

E: K. Luv you.

J: Forever and always.

Short chapter.

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