Aspen P.5

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Forward to after they get to the club...


After everyone soon got to the club we started dancing hanging out. I hung around Jake a lot of the time. I was taking in every surrounding. The loud noise, the movement of everyone, the heat. I was having such a great time. The atmosphere was lifted and bright. Soon all of Team 10 gathered around and sang happy birthday to Jake. He smiled and looked down at me. He kissed my cheek and I smiled.


This has been such a great night. Everyone was having such a good time. I looked around and took in every surrounding. I was so grateful to have Team 10 here with me and for all the support they've given me throughout everything. But I was most grateful for Erika. She made every situation a good situation. Even if she was having a bad day herself. She has been my number one supporter throughout everything. Everything I've been through, Team 10 has been through, and what we've been through together. I couldn't ask for a better girlfriend and best friend. Team 10 surrounded me and sang happy birthday. Erika was next to me and my arm was around her shoulder. I looked down to see her smiling I kissed her cheek and she looked up at me and her smile grew wider. 


After a couple hours everyone decided to head back. It was about 1:30 by the time Erika and I went to sleep. We both had such a great time. When we got back to our room Erika was in my arms bridal style. She had fallen asleep in the car. I set her down on the bed as I changed into sweatpants and a t-shirt. As for Erika, I left her as she was. I didn't want to wake her. I climbed into the bed and wrapped my arm around Erika's waist. My eyes soon felt heavy and I soon fell into a deep sleep.


I woke up to no one beside me. I sat up in my bed and rubbed my eyes. I got up, took a shower, and got dressed. As soon as I was about to open the door and go out in the hallway, Erika rushed in. Her face red and she looked flustered. I walked over to her and grabbed her waist.

J: Yo, Erika whats up? Are you okay?

E: No... Tessa is gone.

J: Erika, what do you mean?

E: I mean that she is missing Jake! Chance came running out of his room this morning saying that Tessa wasn't there.

J: So she just left last night.

E: No Jake! She never came back here last night. Chance said that she said she was going to drive back here herself. But she never showed up here. I'm freaking out.

Erika started to break down. Tears streamed down her face and her breathing became very heavy. She collapsed to the ground on her knees with her hands covering her face. I sat down beside her and rubbed her back. 

J: Erika I can promise you two things. I can promise you that wherever Tessa is she is okay.

E: How do you know that?

J: I just do you have to trust me. I can also promise you that I will be here for you and we will get through this together. 

E: Thanks, Jake.

Erika sat up and wiped her eyes. She pulled me in for a hug. I felt her breathing against my neck. It sent me shivers down my spine. She sat back up and our foreheads were pressed together. She looked at me and smiled.

J: You know Erika... I love you so much.

E:  forever and always.

Our lips connected and moved in sync. We both stood up without releasing the kiss. After a couple seconds, we released and rushed downstairs to soon start the long journey to find Tessa.

And so the drama continues...

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