Telling The Family

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Erika said yes and I couldn't more happy yet relieved. I loved Erika so much I wouldn't know what I would do with myself if she had said no. Afterwards we drove back to Erika's house. Now all we had to do was tell her family. This is going to be something.

We got back to my house and I was starting to get nervous. I couldn't imagine Jake's nerves when asking me to marry him. Both of us walked through the door and everyone was still around the kitchen and living room. It's like they knew to stay because something big was about to go down. Everyone looked at Jake and I as we walked through the door. We both tried acting as normal as possible to not give anything away. I had put my ring in my dress pocket so no one could see. Jake and I both hurried up to my room so we could talk. I closed the door so no one would hear us.
E: How am I supposed to tell them?
J: I don't know!
E: Thanks your a lot of help... I'm just super nervous.
J: I understand why your nervous but don't be there your family and family supports good decisions. And saying yes was a good decision.
I started to laugh at his statement.
E: Okay well I think I'm going too call my family into the living room for a meeting and we can tell them.
J: Are we doing this now?
E: Yep so let's go.
Jake and I headed downstairs and into the living room.
E: Hey y'all family meeting in the living room.

Erika called her family into the living room and soon everyone flooded in. Erika and I sat down on one of the couches. I was nervous for her. Everyone looked at us with confusion upon there faces. Erika then stood up and proceeded to tell the announcement.
E: Alright so the reason I called you all over here is because...
She signaled for me to stand up beside her. So I stood up and she continued to talk.
E: Okay so what I was saying before the reason I called you all here is because... Jake and I are getting married.

I said it. At first my family was quiet. That made me worried. I looked over at Jake and he looked over at me and shrugged his shoulder. All of the sudden everyone started yelling and laughing and telling me they were happy for Jake and I. My parents came up to me with tears of joy in there eyes and hugged me then Jake. I think Dani was the most excited though. She ran up to Jake and I and gave us a group hug. For the next hour she continued to rant on and on about how she was so happy and that she going to have to be one of my bridesmaids in our wedding. It also turned out that she already knew  Jake was going to propose. When I heard that I looked over at Jake and he acted like he knew nothing. And then winked over at Dani. By the time we were done celebrating with the family it was late and Jake and I wanted to go to bed. We headed to our room and started to go to sleep. I felt Jake's arm wrap around my waist making me feel more protected. I fell into a deep sleep knowing that Jake was mine.

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