Back to... JERIKA??

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I was now going to have to explain everything. About Alissa, about my feelings, everything. 

E: It's true Alissa tried killing me twice.

J: Why didn't you tell me. You can tell me anything even if we aren't talking.

E: I know but...

Tears started to run down my face. Jake moved his hand toward my cheek and wiped my tears with his thumb. I smiled lightly.

J: Why are you crying?

E: Because I missed you... so much.

I started to choke on my words and cried harder. Jake pulled me closer so my head was laying on his shoulder.

E: The day Alissa tried killing me the second time she threatend that if I stayed with you she would kill me. So I let Alissa, have you.

I sat back up in my seat and stared past the windshield. Jake was looking at me. I could see and feel it. God was it good to talk to him again.

E: I was going to come out of my room and tell you everything but then I saw you open the door and leave and I didn't come out and run after you. I hate myself for not doing that.

J: Hey don't say that.

E: Say what?

J: That you hate yourself because I for one think your beautiful, strong, amazing, and talented.

E: You do?

J: Yeah ever since we stopped talking I never stopped thinking about you. There were so many times I wanted to just walk over to you and kiss you. Kiss you like never before.

E: I missed you so much, Jake. You can't even to began to imagine.

J: Oh I think I can.

E: Jake I still love you... I always have and never stopped.

J: Erika I still love you. I never stopped.

I leaned in kissing Jake. Holy crap it's been so long. It felt so right. My hands wrapped around his neck as his hands went around my waist ever so gently. I moved my knees up on the seat so I could move closer to him. Sooner than later I was sitting on his lap. Our one kiss had turned into a heated makeout. My hands went under his shirt feeling his toned abs. Wow! I was hoping and assuming this meant we were back together. Please, Jake, feel the same way.


Jake chased after Erika leaving me alone. My hair was a mess, my shirt halfway off, and my body hot and pale. How could he do this to me? I walked over to the kitchen counter and grabbed a glass out of one of the cupboards. I filled the glass with some red wine which I kept hidden in the back of the fridge. I drank it down and walked over to the large glass window. I looked down overseeing the parking lot trying to scope out Erika's car. I saw it. Inside I could just barely see Erika and Jake. Erika was sitting on Jake's lap them making out. Wow! Jake broke my heart and I was left in the dirt again. I threw the cup and screamed of anger and sadness. The cup shattered into millions of pieces. I collapsed to the ground and cried until my breathing became very heavy. I was serious this time I was going to kill Erika she won't know when or how but she will one day be gone. And no one will be able to find her.

A/N: I finally followed what you guys wanted. JERIKA is back well is it really you'll have to keep reading to find out. Plz comment what you think and I hope you're having a wonderful Christmas/holiday break. Btw feel free to message me whenever you want I would be happy to talk to any of you. Luv you guys. And one last thing 2k reads holy tish thts a lot. Thx so much for all of the support you've given me.

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