When I woke up

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My eyes suddenly fluttered open and my body jerked upward so I was now sitting. I looked around and saw Jake lying on the floor next to me. I felt his hand on my back so I pushed it off. I couldn't deal with seeing him. I was about to stand up when Jake started moving and his eyes opened.
J: Erika?
I didn't say anything to him and instead stared straight ahead of me.
J: Erika...
Jake was now sitting up and I had still yet to say anything. All the sudden Jake pulled me in for a hug. I didn't hug him back and stayed still. I felt his breath against my neck which sent me chills down my spine. He moved his head and kissed my head. I wanted to kiss him so bad. But I know I couldn't after what I saw. Jake's mouth moved over to my ears and he whispered something  to me.
J: Erika what happened?
I turned my head to look into his eyes. I wanted to scream and yell at him. Anger built up inside me but for some reason all I wanted to do was kiss his soft plump lips. My mouth didn't move and all I did was stare into his eyes.
J: Tell me what happened.
All I could do was lean in and kiss him. He kissed me back and moved his hand to my cheek so he could deepen the kiss. I wanted to stop but I also didn't,  I wanted more. He situated me so I was lying on the floor and he was on top of me. We kept on kissing until he moved his lips to my neck. I couldn't help but let him know I was enjoying this. I put my hands underneath his shirt and rubbed his abs.
One thing led to another and we were both lying on the bathroom floor. By then I had put my bra and underwear on and Jake had put his boxers back on. We were both breathing heavy and were sweating.
J: That... was good. Really good.
E: Yeah.
I still couldn't believe I just had sex with Jake and he was cheating on me with Tessa. Jake then sat up and moved my head with his thumb so I was facing him.
J: Erika you still haven't told me why I found you on the bathroom floor last night surrounded by broken glass.
I didn't say anything and stared at him blankly.
J: Erika I'm not moving here until you tell me what I saw last night.
I couldn't believe I was actually about to confront him.
E: Fine um... I know that your cheating on me.
J: I'm sorry say that again.
I yelled so loud my voice after became shaky and tears streamed down my face.
J: What? I don't know what your talking about babe.
E: Jake don't even try me. And don't call me babe because I'm clearly not your babe. And apparently I wasn't good enough for you.
Jake came closer to me and pulled me in for a hug. I tried pulling away but his strength beat my weakness. He made my face look up at his.
J: Erika listen I don't know what you saw between Tessa and I but I would never cheat on you. You are my everything and ever sense the day I met   you I have wanted to date you, kiss you,  hug you, love you. Erika I never cheated on you. And I never will. I can promise that.
All I could do was cry in Jake's arms. I believed him and I can't believe that I was so stupid to believe that Jake was cheating on me with Tessa. I cried harder and harder my breath getting heavier.
J: Shhhh...
Jake rubbed my back to try and calm me down. I eventually calmed down and looked back up at him.
E: I'm so sorry baby.
J: It's okay babe... how about you go take a relaxing bath and we can go for a late lunch.
E: Okay
J: Okay

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