Letter 6

148 3 0

September 22, 1936

Oh Child Jesus! I love You so much!

Really, today,

I made a bit of a fuss,

but forgive me...

I do not want to do it anymore. 

Kisses from Your


* "I love You so much" = "Ti voglio tanto bene," which is literally translated, "I wish you so well," but is often used to express non-romantic affection. Instead of using the verb, "amare" ("to love"), they use "volere" ("to want," "to wish"), much like how the Spanish use "querer" instead of "amar."


22 settembre 1936

Oh Gesù Bambino! Ti voglio tanto bene!...

Veramente oggi

ho fatto un po' di capriccetti

ma perdonami...

Non voglio farne più. 

baci dalla tua


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