Letter 148

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March 25, 1937

Dear Most Holy Trinity,

Dear God the Father, I love You very, very, very, much―really, very―and how beautiful is this name of Father―and Jesus, when He was on earth, could not teach a name more beautiful than this name―a father good, loving, [and] charitable, who pardons all sinners! What a beautiful name, Father! A father good―very good. And You, dear God the Father, I hope that You will love me a lot, and I want to be always, always good.

Dear Jesus! I love You very, very much, dear Jesus. I hope that You will also love me very much. Save many souls from purgatory so that they come into Paradise to glorify You, dear Jesus. I want to repeat: I love You very, very much.

Dear Holy Spirit, I love You very much. Bless and illuminate my body and my soul, dear Holy Spirit. You, who are the love of the Father and of the son, sanctify me and help me in all the pains.



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