Letter 111

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December 31, 1936

Dear God the Father,

Dear God the Father, I love You very very much―I mean lots―I know that I wrote it to You in the beginning, but I want to say it to You another time.

Dear God the Father, help my parents, my sister, my grandmothers, my aunts, Caterina, and all.

Dear God the Father―how beautiful this name is―I will repeat it always, always, always, because I like it so much.

Dear God the Father, tell Jesus that I love Him very much, and tell Him also that I am very happy that He comes into my heart. Also, tell [Him] that I want many graces.

Dear God the Father―what a beautiful name, Father! Father of all the world, Father of infinite kindness.

Dear God the Father, tell the Madonnina that I love her very much also.

Many greetings and kisses from Your dear daughter, Antonietta.

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