Letter 161

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May 2, 1937

Dear Madonnina,

I love You so much, and in this month of May, I want to make so many―but many―little sacrifices.

Dear Madonnina, tell God the Father that I love Him so much.

Dear Madonnina, tell also your Son Jesus that I am very happy that today He came into my heart. Dear Madonnina, tell the Holy Spirit that in a few days, I will receive Him, and will be very happy to receive Him.

Dear Madonnina, help me to come into Heaven with Jesus and all the Saints, and also with you. Dear Madonnina, I want to tell you again: I love You so, so much. By means of Jesus, make me save many souls―but many, many souls. Dear Madonnina, tell the Holy Spirit again to illuminate me, to give me all of His Seven Gifts, to make me holy, and to make me grow up good.

Dear Madonnina, I entrust to You the Church, the Holy Father, the clergy, and specially my spiritual father. I entrust to you also my family and especially my parents; I entrust to you Aunt Laurina and all [my] aunts, uncles, relatives, and all.

Greetings and kisses from your dear Antonietta.


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