Ch. 1 Welcome back

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It's a little past midnight. The stars, along with the full moon, shine bright in the dark sky.

A calm voice continues talking, "You think you're always right, but guess what,'re not" Darkiplier says calmly with his hands intertwined behind his back, slightly tilting his head to the side. "Same goes to you, mister know-it-all" Anti growls softly, glitching every now and then. Dark sighs frustrated, "'s getting late. We both should head back to where we came from before things get out of hand..." Dark explains in his calm way of talking, slightly lowering his chin. Anti sighs with a slight growl in the back of his throat, "Fine...but we're not done talking about this, Dark!" He threatens. Dark rolls his eyes, "Of course not..." He says unamused, not afraid nor impressed by Anti's threatening tone, before they both start to head back to the place they call home.

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