ch. 34 together

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Mark is still walking through the woods, looking around for any clue. Any sign of Dark or Anti. He knows they have to be somewhere. But then again, if they were close, shouldn't Mark have heard Wendy? Also, they're demons. Who knows what they can do to make a baby shut up.

Mark sighs, "Dark? Anti? I know you're there somewhere...and I know you can hear me! I'm just here to ask if you want to come to the castle and we can talk about it? You give me my daughter back, and I give something in return...?" Mark looks around, staying quiet for a moment, but no answer. It's dead silent in the woods. The only things heard, are the birds and a light wind blowing through the rustling treeleafs. Mark sighs, "I'll be waiting..." He finally says before turning around, walking back to his horse.

Little did he know that Dark and Anti were following Mark the whole way through the woods. They heard everything Mark said. They look at each other, grinning wide before glancing down at Wendy, sleeping peacefully in the warm, soft blanket that Dark is holding.


Wilford and I sit next to each other. We finished our tea and the cookies, and now we're just looking out on the landscape. I never get tired of seeing this sight. Wilford gently lays his arm around me. I act like I don't notice, because it's not a big deal. But then Wilford pulls me closer to him, gently squeezing my shoulder, "What are you doing...?" I answer quickly, looking up at Wilford.

He looks down at me, "Am I not allowed to cuddle with you...? You clearly need it" he explains, "Mark being gone the whole're probably craving a man's touch" I blush slightly at his words. He knows me better than anyone. "Y-yes, but I'm fine with waiting for this all to be over soon so Mark and I can spend time together" I tell Wilford, not pulling away from this kind-of sideways hug. On the contrary. I scoot closer to him.

"No one knows how long this will last, my dear" I give in and lay my head on Wilford's chest, "you're right..." I huff. "What about a movie on the bed? Seems more comfortable" He suggests. I nod and stand up after he does. "good idea..." A movie seems like the perfect distraction.

We lay down on the bed together. Wilford on his back, having an arm around me while I'm laying on my side, my head on his chest, while looking at the romantic movie we chose to watch. "If you want to sleep, go right ahead" Wilford tells me, knowing my eyes are getting heavy. I lift my head to look at him, "how did you know...?" Wilford chukles amused at me, "I saw, and it's not surprising that you're tired...all that stress must exhaust you". I can't help but smile at him, "You're so smart" I just have to tell him, I dont know why. "I know" He says, making me giggle softly.

"Wilford...thank you for taking such good care of me...again" I look away, smiling unsure. Wilford gently takes my chin, making me look at him, "it's no problem" he tells me, "it's an honor to spend such precious time with you" he explains. I smile, looking at him in awe when I suddenly feel myself leaning in and pressing my lips onto his.

Wilford quickly takes my arms and pulls me on top of him as our kiss becomes more heated. I run my hand through his hair as I put my legs on each side of him, feeling his hands go under my shirt, but before he gets the chance to make his hands go any higher, I stop us both. "Wilford, stop...what are we doing...!?" I quickly get off of him and he sits up, "I don't see why we can't" he tells me.

I sigh, "I'm married, Wilford...I have daughter" I tell him. "that's what makes it more exciting" he tells me in a seductive tone, rolling onto his side sliding his finger in circles over my thigh. I think for a moment, "Just cuddling is fine, okay..? Nothing more" I tell him. "What if we only use our hands...?" Wilford asks, sitting up. I blush slightly, but shake my head. "Not even kissing?" he asks again, which I respond to with more head shaking.

He huffs, "fine then" We both lay down. He embraces me as I snuggle into his chest, "get some sleep then, okay?" he tells me. "okay" I mumble. After a little while I feel myself falling asleep. Emotions are exhausting.

Mark's castle 2 (MarkplierXreader)Where stories live. Discover now