ch. 42 Wendy's birthday pt. 2

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"Dark! You're looking fancy already!" Mark says, maybe a bit too excited for his daughter marrying a demon. Dark slightly tilts his head, "the sooner the better, right?" He smirks devilish. Mark nods, "of course...have you cleaned the dungeons this month..? Because at the wedding, I'm sure people will disagree with you marrying Wendy..." Dark thinks for a moment, "good point..." Mark smiles relieved, "go pull on something less fancy, because this suit shouldn't be ruined, and clean those dungeons!" Mark says happily, "this all will probably take a while too...I think I'm closing the doors at four PM max, okay?" Dark nods, "good idea...enough time for the wedding" Dark walks away. And with that, a wide grin appears on Mark's face, as if he himself turned into Darkiplier.

Mark turns around to face the room and glances at Wilford who is standing by the wall. Mark rolls his eyes, seeing Wilford flirt with some ladies. Wilford was supposed to keep his eyes on Mark and Dark. Mark walks over to him. Mark clears his throat, getting their attention, "goodday, ladies...may I borrow him for a while?" he asks politely. The women nod and bow slightly for Mark, "of course my king! Congratulations on Wendy, she's beautiful" Mark smiles proud, "thank you" The ladies walk away and Mark looks at Wilford. "what? Can't I have a litte fun?" Wilford asks offended.

Mark sighs, "not today..." Mark looks around as if someone would be listening to them, "The bird is in its cage...but birds can't close their own cages, so someone else has to do it for them" Mark looks back at Wilford. He nods in response, "I hate birds..." Wilford says before he walks away. Mark shakes his head and walks back to the throne, looking his wife in the eyes with a reassuring smile. (Y/N) smiles at him, "Wendy, you can handle this alone for a little while, right?" Her eyes stay on Mark. "yes, of course! These people are so nice!" And she greets another family.

(Y/N) pulls her husband with her to the side of the room, "is the job done?" She asks, slightly nervous. Mark wraps his arms around her, whispering in her ear, "yes, sweetheart...nothing to worry about anymore...just enjoy the day" (Y/N) bites her lip and whispers to the king, "I could jump you right now" Mark smirks slightly, looking around, "we could sneak away somewhere? Tell the others we're helping with the presents..?" (Y/N) quickly nods and Mark and her walk out of the throne room after they told some Ipliers why they're gone. But really, they sneak into their bedroom.

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